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Full Version: WP The Hammer : Can cost of living woes be contained?
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My view is this

1. As we import more people into space limited Singapore. Living density goes up.

2. Rental and cost of housing shoots up.

3. This speads into everything else casing inflation spiral
(21-05-2023, 01:59 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]you stupid fcuk

Rental cost goes up

Means Singaporeans have more income from rental

Get it fucking oppie retard

Of course inflation means some people.make more money that is a given as prices go up.

It also means those who end up paying more suffer.
For the elders and jobless, it will get worse with escalating can never contain the cost of living in is only one way up
[Image: mc-hammer-stop-hammer-time.gif]
(21-05-2023, 01:59 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]you stupid fcuk

Rental cost goes up

Means Singaporeans have more income from rental

Get it fucking oppie retard
Your comment seems like you are trying to sabo PAP. People are trying to get them to realize the reality on the ground but you are trying to plp and prevent them from knowing the true situation on the ground. U r hoping that the resentment on the ground will reach a critical mass and then topple the current govt? U secretly hope that Singapore will become politically unstable like Malaysia?
(21-05-2023, 02:16 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Singaporeans on the ground all very happy lar

Because 90% have a HDB flat

That is worth much more than what they paid for it

You are oppie retard trying to instigate others to hate PAP

Hate is the wrong word. There's no love in the beginning. You are trying to sabo PAP cos u r angry that your CPF is locked down by the govt, u cannot touch. Otherwise, u would be living like a king back in Malaysia lor.  Laughing
(21-05-2023, 01:58 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday bought 4 big Thai mangoes

For $1.99 only, Sheng Shiong

Mangoes never been so cheap the past 20 years

LOL , is just 50 cent only! I recently got it at a fruit stall at TPY central cost just 50 cent per piece.
You know why so cheap is Due to Mango Season rah over supply.
(21-05-2023, 02:44 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Most retired Singaporeans are like me

They have a fully paid HDB flat and/or condos

And they have a MILLION in their CPF or FD or SHARES or BONDS or GOLD or ANTIQUES

Thanks to PAP and FTAs like CECA and FTs or rich foreigners

Who bring their money to Singapore and settle down to become PRs and then new citizens

We all very HAPPY, everyday

The worse is hawker food
Every where up 30% to 100%
My place mangos very very cheap. 
Now they sell in baskets. 
1 basket 2 dollars only. 
Some mangos are so big,from far I thought  were melons
(21-05-2023, 01:59 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]you stupid fcuk

Rental cost goes up

Means Singaporeans have more income from rental

Get it fucking oppie retard

rental costs goes up means inflation of everything goes up.
cost of business goes up.
means your saving and money can buy less things.

income from rental cannot be enough to pay because everything goes up.
for example, rental income goes from $1000 to $1500 but your living expenses goes from$2000 to $3000.
(21-05-2023, 02:18 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Ladies and gentlemen

Tell me which fcuktard here

Who owns a HDB flat now

Not happy his HDB flat has appreciated in value

Thanks to PAP

people will only be happy when they bought hdb flat for investment and not to live in it.

for owners of hdb flat, they will not be happy because if they sell the flat for $1 millions, they need to buy another flat at $1 million to stay.
there is no gain for owners who has 1 hdb flat property.

also the youngsters and your children need to pay $1 million for hdb flats.

flat owners cannot sell because they need to live in the flats.
youngsters cannot afford to buy $1 million flats.
in fact, more people are unhappy because they cannot afford $1 million flats.
very simple.
when property price goes up, only the govt and property investors will be happy.
govt reserves goes up.
property investors can encash the properties.

property owners who need to live in the only property will not be happy or unhappy.
because they need to live in the property and cannot encash.

youngsters and new buyers will be unhappy because they cannot afford to pay.
more people will be unhappy
as an opposition supporter, when GE is coming, I WANT resale HDB flat to go to $2 millions.

I am confident that more opposition MPs will be in parliament.
(21-05-2023, 02:47 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Most?

This is bad.. is like what this uncle said...