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Full Version: Wah, Tiagong Rideout Bungalow were not empty wor. Hedge Fund manager kena forced out.
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[Image: Whats-App-Image-2023-05-24-at-16-05-55.jpg]
(24-05-2023, 11:50 PM)Obamao Wrote: [ -> ]

Fwahhhh, KJ has to stand by his words lor. If really true. It is bullying and abuse of power added to the misdeeds wor. Thinking
[Image: Screenshot-2023-05-24-235821.jpg]
WOW , This article even is " true " will get PMFOA IF LET GREEDY PAP PEOPLE SEE LEH SINGAPORE - The Ministry of Law (MinLaw) on Wednesday (March 24) announced that it has appointed Mr Colin Low as the new chief executive of the Singapore Land Authority (SLA).

The appointment will be effective April 12, 2021.
The plot thickens. So a hedge fund manager was supposedly forced out to make way for Shanmugam.

A full COI should be done and certainly NOT a review!
So how much is being rented to the Hedge Fund manager then? We can hv a good gauge plus the inflation & rise of property value.
buying more popcorns and coke to watch saga.
Hope it is not a can of fat worms that they are going to open. If it is, then that moron OYK aka Goat Flower can go eat it or stick it in his azz.....  Big Grin
(25-05-2023, 08:33 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]Hope it is not a can of fat worms that they are going to open. If it is, then that moron OYK aka Goat Flower can go eat it or stick it in his azz.....  Big Grin

the plp guy OYK skin thicker than rhino and shameless, only know how to plp and lick miw balls.
(24-05-2023, 11:51 PM)Obamao Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Whats-App-Image-2023-05-24-at-16-05-55.jpg]

If this is true, it will be pure abuse of power? Thinking
what is the current rental being paid?  Even factoring in ridiculous inflation and renovation by tenant, can the rental be reasonably only around 1% of rentals for  GCB of similar land size and location ( expected 2mil to 3mil per month)?
The pigs having too good a time at ridout animal farm lah
no wonder the commoner animals are incensed when they discover the truth, there is no way to 滅火
some pigs have to go or bring down the whole clan of pigs
[Image: popcorn-popcorn-eating-popcorn.gif]
You guys donch know, the BIGGER the LAND AREA, the lower the rent

Because the tenant is helping to cut the grass and you dun expect Shan and Vivi to go around mowing the lawn right? very BIG AREA you know
The Crown Jewels
26 & 31 Ridout are the Crown Jewels of all the 260 Black and White Colonial Bungalows which SLA managed.
Were there any demand for these two Crown Jewels? Absolutely Yes! However, for some strange reasons, SLA was not able to rent out these two Crown Jewels for years before Shanmugam and Vivian rented it! Why?
Since there is Review Committee, I shall make the following request for information:
1) What's the rental history of 26 & 31 Ridout in terms of:
A) For the past 30 years, how many years have these properties been empty?
B) Who were the immediate last tenants of these properties and how many years have they been staying at these properties before they moved out?
C) Under what circumstances have these tenants discontinued their leases? Were they asked to vacate the properties after their leases were up? Have they indicated their desires to continue leasing these properties, even at higher rental rates?
D) Were these properties put up for OPEN TENDER again right after or just before the last tenants have vacated the properties?
E) What were the last rents paid for these properties?
F) What were the terms of leasing granted to the last tenancy and were there any difference between these tenancy vs the current ones given to the two Ministers?
2) Do the Current Tenancy Agreements for the Two Ministers include special terms like:
A) Cutting Down the surrounding trees on this Conserved Land?
B) Additions and Alterations of structures like Covered Carpark, Swimming Pool, Guard House etc
C) When were the Covered Carpark, Swimming Pool and other A&A done on 26 Ridout? Which Company or Contractor was engaged in these A&A? Who was the Official Developer? Who paid for these A&A?
D) When were the A&A done on 31 Ridout? Which Company or Contractor was engaged in these A&A? Who was the Official Developer? Who paid for these A&A?
E) Who approved all these A&A? Have all A&A applied for all relevant permits from respective government agencies?
F) Who paid for the Development Charges for the Swimming Pool in 26 Ridout?
G) Has SLA adjusted the rental upwards for 26 Ridout after the addition of Swimming Pool was made?
These are just the primary questions I have but that's enough for the moment, more to come later.
(25-05-2023, 01:55 PM)Obamao Wrote: [ -> ]The Crown Jewels
26 & 31 Ridout are the Crown Jewels of all the 260 Black and White Colonial Bungalows which SLA managed.
Were there any demand for these two Crown Jewels? Absolutely Yes! However, for some strange reasons, SLA was not able to rent out these two Crown Jewels for years before Shanmugam and Vivian rented it! Why?
Since there is Review Committee, I shall make the following request for information:
1) What's the rental history of 26 & 31 Ridout in terms of:
A) For the past 30 years, how many years have these properties been empty?
B) Who were the immediate last tenants of these properties and how many years have they been staying at these properties before they moved out?
C) Under what circumstances have these tenants discontinued their leases? Were they asked to vacate the properties after their leases were up? Have they indicated their desires to continue leasing these properties, even at higher rental rates?
D) Were these properties put up for OPEN TENDER again right after or just before the last tenants have vacated the properties?
E) What were the last rents paid for these properties?
F) What were the terms of leasing granted to the last tenancy and were there any difference between these tenancy vs the current ones given to the two Ministers?
2) Do the Current Tenancy Agreements for the Two Ministers include special terms like:
A) Cutting Down the surrounding trees on this Conserved Land?
B) Additions and Alterations of structures like Covered Carpark, Swimming Pool, Guard House etc
C) When were the Covered Carpark, Swimming Pool and other A&A done on 26 Ridout? Which Company or Contractor was engaged in these A&A? Who was the Official Developer? Who paid for these A&A?
D) When were the A&A done on 31 Ridout? Which Company or Contractor was engaged in these A&A? Who was the Official Developer? Who paid for these A&A?
E) Who approved all these A&A? Have all A&A applied for all relevant permits from respective government agencies?
F) Who paid for the Development Charges for the Swimming Pool in 26 Ridout?
G) Has SLA adjusted the rental upwards for 26 Ridout after the addition of Swimming Pool was made?
These are just the primary questions I have but that's enough for the moment, more to come later.
How come until now, shamefulmutt haven't sued KJ for slander yet? Does this mean everything that KJ said is true? Thinking
(25-05-2023, 02:00 PM)Truebluesg Wrote: [ -> ]How come until now, shamefulmutt haven't sued KJ for slander yet? Does this mean everything that KJ said is true? Thinking

This is a good one. Being lawyer and we know how they work the moment they found a loophole they will squeeze tight and never let go. I think this time round the issue is not so clear cut so the two higher being intend to lay low and see how the situation unfold before decide to take the next step.
(25-05-2023, 02:20 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]This is a good one. Being lawyer and we know how they work the moment they found a loophole they will squeeze tight and never let go. I think this time round the issue is not so clear cut so the two higher being intend to lay low and see how the situation unfold before decide to take the next step.

The longer they stay low. The more the incensed public digs. The more international media makes a clear mockery of the situation. Laughing
(25-05-2023, 02:23 PM)Truebluesg Wrote: [ -> ]The longer they stay low. The more the incensed public digs. The more international media makes a clear mockery of the situation. Laughing

Some saying say open mouth speak more error. no open mouth speak no error. So if you are them you choose to open mouth or no open mouth?
(25-05-2023, 02:26 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Some saying say open mouth speak more error. no open mouth speak no error. So if you are them you choose to open mouth or no open mouth?

Those land cannot be sold and play around. Better in state hands.
They are acting like Big Bullies. Just because they are Ministers, they can craft terms to discriminate others and force them out. How can we allow such Ministers to exist?
It's a honest mistake.  Let's move on.
Big Grin

Pardon me - Forget to include some $-related e.g.
(25-05-2023, 02:26 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Some saying say open mouth speak more error. no open mouth speak no error. So if you are them you choose to open mouth or no open mouth?

I think they really cannot open mouth is because:
1. What the angry public assumes is probably true. This case is really bad...
2. What KJ said may all be true?
3.They open mouth also cannot deny or will be perjury.They will get whacked upside down in social media by the outraged public for spouting nonsense.
...another one. This one  when Vivan said in Parliament that the police cannot use Trace-Together data in a Parliament.

I am a bit shocked that Shan who is the minister of MHA which SPF is under failed to correct him.

Big Grin
(25-05-2023, 03:23 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]...another one. This one  when Vivan said in Parliament that the police cannot use Trace-Together data in a Parliament.

I am a bit shocked that Shan who is the minister of MHA which SPF is under failed to correct him.

Big Grin

You think Shan and Viv good buddies? One found the super lobang ( cheap bungalow and all repairs bourne by SLA ) and invited the other to live beside his kingdom ?
That would be badddd, reallllyyyy baddd
(25-05-2023, 03:28 PM)Truebluesg Wrote: [ -> ]You think Shan and Viv good buddies? One found the super lobang ( cheap bungalow and all repairs bourne by SLA ) and invited the other to live beside his kingdom ?
That would be badddd, reallllyyyy baddd

Got English saying say birds of the same feather flock together ?
(25-05-2023, 03:28 PM)Truebluesg Wrote: [ -> ]You think Shan and Viv good buddies? One found the super lobang ( cheap bungalow and all repairs bourne by SLA ) and invited the other to live beside his kingdom ?
That would be badddd, reallllyyyy baddd

A doctor and a lawyer can never be good buddies professionally.

One can kill by mistake and get away while another can blame you for mistake without killing you.

Big Grin
(24-05-2023, 11:51 PM)Obamao Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Whats-App-Image-2023-05-24-at-16-05-55.jpg]

If what KJ said is true is very very serious
No surprise most big global companies CEO are indians. Even England has an Indian PM. 
Our MAS, DBS same same.
They got it in them, when to go big, when to u turn. Now, they also know how to stay in black white bungalows.
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