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Full Version: No decision yet on when he takes over the helm, focus is on economy, says DPM Wong
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now PM Lee got no time to hand over to DMP Wong because he needs to review shan and bala ?
If he says that, the old guy won't want to step down. Must apply some pressure or he ends up with a short runway like HSK.
(25-05-2023, 02:02 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]now PM Lee got no time to hand over to DMP Wong because he needs to review shan and bala ?

Pritam will be asking for clarification in July this year. Not a long time away. 

I am very sure the two ministers did no do anything wrong.
(25-05-2023, 02:02 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]now PM Lee got no time to hand over to DMP Wong because he needs to review shan and bala ?

yalor I think more or less will affect.
The two mutts also too much.
Pinky overseas also must bother him.
DPM wong just next door also cannot inform him
Wong is not ready to be PM lah. Even the doggies don't listen to him
(25-05-2023, 02:01 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

Meanwhile focus on winning various awards is priority