SG Talk

Full Version: Malaysia signs US$2.3 billion in defence deals
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Let's hope those Billion$ don't (again) disappear to Everything Everywhere.. Big Grin
I wonder where they find the monies to purchase har? Borrow from banks? Or they sell some land off to get the monies?
F-50? Is just a kimchi trainer plane.
Sinkie hawker hunter can handle them
Bad news for us. Now Mindef will have to increase their budget and govt has to raise GST further.
(26-05-2023, 01:28 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Bad news for us. Now Mindef will have to increase their budget and govt has to raise GST further.

US$ too expansive now. No GST rise also will have inflation.

So cannot blame M'sia's budget can only get Kimchi training jets... Big Grin
They planning to invade who?
Light attack aircraft is perfect as target practice for our F35.