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Full Version: Wow now go clinic 100+ ?
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Now show on CH 8
And it's all because of this :

Quote:In April 2007, SMA withdrew our Guideline on Fees (GOF) on the advice of our lawyers that it may be deemed anti-competitive by the Competition Commission of Singapore (CCS). This was shortly after the Competition Act came into effect in 2006 to prohibit "practices which prevent, restrict or distort competition".

I dunno which farker approved the removal of the guideline.
Clearly, the removal of the guidelines is to benefit the doctors. The issuance of CHAS card is a good excuse to support competition against patients.
cartel same as petrol companies.
And all these happened under Pinky Lee Hsien Loong's watch Sad
Doc protect fellow doc just like PAP " ownself check ownself "

One Doc comment, can't justify fairly in the sense various Doc got their " own protocol "
This Doc also comment " like Doc is not heartless , greedy for money " even come consulation , some doc don't even charge for " good will "

blah blah. This Doc also comment come medicine also price vary in the sense some big corporation clinic they order a lot so supplier price is cheaper compare to some individual clinics they only order just few order so supplier price is slight higher.

One thing the Doc also mention , also DUE TO HIGH RENTAL and inflation , Ukraine war on going.
I saw my family private doctor downstairs

price also gone up by 15%

I checked the receipt and it is due to "Consultation" price rocketed
recentlys i falls sick see privates clinic already cost me $70+
never give me antibiotics somemore
i could have buyed those fever pills nose pills throat lozenges from pharmacies for less than half that amounts
Aiya you dun take care of yourself, you'll have to take care of the doctors' bank accounts