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Full Version: Israel planning attack of Iranian nuclear facilities...
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Situation is unfolding fast as nuclear inspectors detect weapons grade emissions.

Unfortunate that Trump shredded the Obama deal that would have contained Iran's nuclear development I'm exchange for lifting trade sanctions.

Israeli' right-wing govt at that time was against the Obama deal now has to contend with a dangerous situation of having a nuclear armed adversary neighbor.
Isreal will disappear
Iran is unstoppable. Not easy to fight Iran in their terrain like Afghanistan.

Only nuclear can bring peace to middle east. Either China or Russia will provide the tech. Keep fighting in wrong direction than using diplomacy. These angmo morons strategic scholars are hopeless. Same like Sgbutt
Think Iran recently fighting with Afghan Taliban
Iran tested ballistic missile 2000km distance. Israel and USA bases within distance
(30-05-2023, 03:19 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Iran tested ballistic missile 2000km distance. Israel and USA bases within distance

like russian lousy hyper sonic weapons 

(30-05-2023, 09:59 AM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]Isreal will disappear
Israel wil emerges stronger instead.
It's not a long term solution.