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Full Version: Cyclist Jumps Onto Car Hood Near i12 Katong, Clings On As Vehicle
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Cyclist Jumps Onto Car Hood Near i12 Katong, Clings On As Vehicle Keeps Moving 😨

A bystander claimed that the cyclist had argued with the driver for allegedly cutting her during a turn.


If she falls she'd be run over by cars
Winning is more important than her life.🤦
both wrong.
it seems reported its 2 woman involved
31 & 49 respectively

cyclist AMDK?
Katong i12 is sibei low ses mall
Traffic always heavy there, why went there to cycle?
Stupid woman cyclist. Why risk her life.
If the car driver was a cab driver, she would be dead by now.
[Image: ecoyE3x.jpg]
Tiagong both were crushed to death by the internet criticisms
(06-06-2023, 12:05 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Tiagong both were crushed to death by the internet criticisms

Too bad internet criticisms are useless if the person dgaf...
No injuries were reported and two women, aged 31 and 49, were arrested.

The police are investigating the matter as a case of rash act.
(06-06-2023, 01:55 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]No injuries were reported and two women, aged 31 and 49, were arrested.

The police are investigating the matter as a case of rash act.

there is a lawyer LinkedIn prifile for Nicolette Tan Shi-en - now deleted
Ex lawyer and associate of several law firms
Ownself is lawyer, go fight your own case lah, engage wat lawyer?
happy to read that the cycler also kanan charged
Both are in the wrong. One creates the opportunity to be fetched to i12. The other move forward. The driver can say that she find it dangerous and decided to bring her to i12 to resolve the matter.
usually can affrod to buyed such road racing bicycles is high atas ses people cos the bicycles easily costs tens of thousands dollars

high ses but ware spandex cyclyer clothes somehow suddenly can behave low ses 螳臂挡车
The road is narrow and congested. Surely, there are vehicles horning behind.
The cyclist seems to be more aggressive.
What's her problem? She wanted to go straight along still rd and the driver forced her into east coast rd?
from the video, doesnt look like she wanted to go straight.
sounds like she felt car turn too close to her?

need the cam video from any car behind
Sound like this is the way she is saying. But the way she is cycling doesn't seem to be going straight.
(07-06-2023, 11:57 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]from the video, doesnt look  like she wanted to go  straight.
sounds like she felt car turn too close to her?

need the cam video from any car behind

Likely this is the case at the turn.

The car in front turns even more narrowly immediately after the zebra crossing.
Her licence shd be suspended for at least 2yrs as punishment
Racing bike v car.
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