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Full Version: OKY: We have given our people very strong protection,compared to many other countries
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"Our approach is unique in the world. Most countries take either of the following two approaches - eradication or living with Covid. We did both.

"We implemented an eradication strategy last year and the last part of this year, when we were not protected by vaccines.

"A few months ago, after we vaccinated the large majority of our population, we moved to a living-with-Covid approach, but do it progressively step by step, not with a big bang," said Mr Ong.

He noted that many countries now live life quite normally.

But they took the living-with-Covid approach from the start and went through big waves of transmissions and suffered many deaths.

"They paid a big price. For countries such as the United States, Britain, Italy, Spain and France, the death rates there are about 2,000 deaths per million population.

"In places like Germany, Switzerland and Netherlands, it is about 1,000 deaths per million population."

Malaysia, where Mr Ong said the situation is fast stabilising, it is over 800 deaths per million population.

"We are currently at about 50 deaths per million population, far lower than the rest.

"So we have so far given our people very strong protection, compared to many other countries in the world.
We are indeed unique.
Do natural immunity after injecting "vaccines"
and now going after unvaxxed.
The unvaxxeds are the wise ones.
They do what u are now trying to get Natural immunity
called the Living with covid
Dis mud soldier is da king of self praise. How about comparing with Covid safe countries like Hong Kong, Macau, New Zealand and Australia. We have spent billions more dan them and yet have higher death rates dan these countries bcos of his stupiakness.
Why PAP still suspends physical meet people session with residents when the border is open to all countries ?

Why vaccinated residents cannot meet PAP MPs physically ?
(23-10-2021, 07:45 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

"Our approach is unique in the world. Most countries take either of the following two approaches - eradication or living with Covid. We did both.

"We implemented an eradication strategy last year and the last part of this year, when we were not protected by vaccines.

"A few months ago, after we vaccinated the large majority of our population, we moved to a living-with-Covid approach, but do it progressively step by step, not with a big bang," said Mr Ong.

He noted that many countries now live life quite normally.

But they took the living-with-Covid approach from the start and went through big waves of transmissions and suffered many deaths.

"They paid a big price. For countries such as the United States, Britain, Italy, Spain and France, the death rates there are about 2,000 deaths per million population.

"In places like Germany, Switzerland and Netherlands, it is about 1,000 deaths per million population."

Malaysia, where Mr Ong said the situation is fast stabilising, it is over 800 deaths per million population.

"We are currently at about 50 deaths per million population, far lower than the rest.

"So we have so far given our people very strong protection, compared to many other countries in the world.

I think MTF made a bid blunder. they should have capitalise on covid19 to get rid
of a significant portion of frail old stock so that we rejuvenate our population, reduce
healthcare budget etc. And by now also reap the benefit to live life normally.
I am fuming mad now hearing what he said!

We took the initiative and responsibility to stay at home 90% of the time to stop the spread but he robbed our efforts!

Without us, Singapore is Nothing. Your mediocre achievements is worse than many other countries handling covid.
Now cannot do. once u jabbed such a high %.
U might be accused of murder.
Only way is to shift blame to the unvaxxed
Talking rubbish! More like jabbing in the dark and taking a gamble with people's lives.
(23-10-2021, 08:17 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]Now cannot do. once u jabbed such a high %.
U might be accused of murder.
Only way is to shift blame to the unvaxxed

Shifting the blame to the unvaxxed among us is very unethical...should be a gentleman and admit their faults and shortcomings.... crying
Many of those countries have left the old to die staving in old folks home last year.
partly due to their ICU were already burst then.
And now Sg ICU is almost near critical point.

Jab vaccine will be weaken by variants.
Only till we see inhale and pill which are more resistant to variants,
can we consider well prepare.
As now risk is building up as new solutions may take months to come.
when you din well in sch can tell yr parents there are many more who are worse off than you, so they wun whack you so hard
(24-10-2021, 10:34 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]when you din well in sch can tell yr parents there are many more who are worse off than you, so they wun whack you so hard

OYK is following this example...for the open skies to many countries... Angry
ya, strong protection indeed by pushing so many measures just to make ppl take the vaccines