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Full Version: Anyone interested to buy a horse rather than a car after Oct 2024?
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Anyone interested to buy a horse rather than a car after Oct 2024?

Horse eats grass not petrol.

Maybe HDB allowed your horse at multistorey carparks.
How if the horse suddenly becomes mad runs amok?
Donkey is better 
(05-06-2023, 07:57 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone interested to buy a horse rather than a car after Oct 2024?

Horse eats grass not petrol.

Maybe HDB allowed your horse at multistorey carparks.

If I can ride a horse 🐎 along the road I don't mind learning lah! Big Grin But I think I cannot afford it lah!
Ppl told me in bad times business man do below
First cut mistress
Second cut horse
Third cut car
Fourth cut house

Horse better than mistress as in can help business man win monies in races. Mistress most wasting monies cannot earn only spend so cut first.
Why car after horse is business man need travel around look for make monies lobang to earn monies.
House is last becuz at night need to sleep mah.
(05-06-2023, 07:57 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone interested to buy a horse rather than a car after Oct 2024?

Horse eats grass not petrol.

Maybe HDB allowed your horse at multistorey carparks.

Horse will pee and poo. How?
(05-06-2023, 07:57 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone interested to buy a horse rather than a car after Oct 2024?

Horse eats grass not petrol.

Maybe HDB allowed your horse at multistorey carparks.

what happen to Oct 2024 ?