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Full Version: Highly vaccinated Singapore sets a worrying example
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As other nations begin pursuing reopening strategies and treating the coronavirus as endemic, Singapore’s experience is now being looked upon as a sobering case study, particularly for countries that have until now kept cases low by relying on strict measures but are under mounting pressure to manage, rather than eradicate, Covid-19.

Singapore’s daily cases hit a record 3,994 on October 19, with the seven-day average number of new infections more than tripling in the last month. The overall death toll has more than quadrupled over the same period, rising to 280 on October 21 from just 65. Authorities, meanwhile, have attested to rising pressure on hospitals and healthcare workers.

“At the current situation, we face considerable risk of the healthcare system being overwhelmed,” said Lawrence Wong, Singapore’s finance minister and co-chair of a multi-ministry Covid-19 task force. “It’s not simply a matter of having extra beds or purchasing new equipment… our medical personnel are stretched and fatigued.”

As of Wednesday, about 89% of isolation beds and 67% of intensive care unit (ICU) beds, including those for non-Covid-19 patients, were filled in public hospitals, according to the MoH. That is despite only around 1% of cases requiring oxygen supplementation and 0.1% requiring ICU care over the last 28 days, with 98.6% of cases showing mild or no symptoms.

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Is prolific skins hosted in Singapore? Big Grin
(24-10-2021, 07:27 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Is prolific skins hosted in Singapore? Big Grin

Looks like prolific days are numbered. They will be skinned soon...... Big Grin
(24-10-2021, 07:40 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like prolific days are numbered. They will be skinned soon...... Big Grin

I thought they well prepared to take even 5000 cases per day?
(24-10-2021, 07:40 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like prolific days are numbered. They will be skinned soon...... Big Grin
Formally known as AY.4.2, "delta plus" subvariant includes two new mutations to the spike protein, A222V and Y145H, which allow virus to enter the body.

AY.4.2 subvariant has been detected in at least five cases in the U.S.: in Washington, D.C., California, North Carolina, Washington state and Massachusetts.

Francois Balloux, director of Genetics Institute at University College London, said it could be 10%-15% more contagious than delta.