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Full Version: Play $10 million win over $248k in one day
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[Image: Screenshot-58.png]
Wow if you have $10M, $200k is nothing?
(06-06-2023, 02:42 PM)Pass-by Wrote: [ -> ]Wow if you have $10M, $200k is nothing?
You try and win see how. Not so easy one.
Tell us when you lose $248k
Made another $94k today, total made $334k in 2 days

[Image: Screenshot-59.png]
So what is your actual message to the forum here?

Many here can also brag about their winnings if they want to.
(07-06-2023, 12:09 AM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]Tell us when you lose $248k

Most likely another new jac lau aka fartsunking clone.

No actual money involve no talk...
clone of someone ?
Wait he is going to sell course here