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Full Version: Russia says US-built F-16s could 'accommodate' nuclear weapons if sent to Ukraine
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Russia says US-built F-16s could 'accommodate' nuclear weapons if sent to Ukraine
no need F-16 lah
small arms oredi could do that half a century ago, Ah Tin dun Beden u dunno hor
putin knows F-16 will defeats all these MIGs cause MiGs is not designed for low altitude fights
F-16 is undisputable and is the aces of the aces at low altitude fights
(06-06-2023, 09:56 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]putin knows  F-16 will defeats all these MIGs cause MiGs is not designed for low altitude fights
F-16 is undisputable and is the  aces of the aces at low altitude fights

Yes, F16 can fly at Ultra Hypersonic speed. Same as Patriot missiles (Grotesq told me onezzzzzz) Rotfl
(06-06-2023, 10:31 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, F16 can fly at Ultra Hypersonic speed. Same as Patriot missiles (Grotesq told me onezzzzzz)  Rotfl
You left out that their missiles can poked your asshole deep deep
Whenever Russia is thinking of doing something it accuse thee other side first so it can have a pretext. It is part of their standard information warfare.

This war is started by Russia at its door step and if Putin lose he is gone and likely executed by his enemies. However, for American side the war is a misstep by Russia that give hhem a chance to oust Putin who has been treating US as an enemy foiling their plans in Syria to get rid of brutal Assad regime.

The stakes are not so high for the American side to use nuclear or tactical nuclear. For Putin if he see he is going to lose he will resort to nuclear to save himself.
You are making wild guesses just like you did in the stock market.

(06-06-2023, 10:31 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, F16 can fly at Ultra Hypersonic speed. Same as Patriot missiles (Grotesq told me onezzzzzz)  Rotfl

yes it fly so fast it can poke you and your whore mother cheeby

everyone knows that and it  does not need to be told by anyone

Just arrived! Ukraine's first F-16 squadron was destroyed by a Russian SU-57 at close range.
(19-06-2023, 02:38 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Just arrived! Ukraine's first F-16 squadron was destroyed by a Russian SU-57 at close range.
