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Full Version: France jails man for 18 yrs for stabbing & burning alive pregnant teenage girlfriend
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(11-06-2023, 10:02 AM)AngTehKor Wrote: [ -> ]Ang Mo country really nothing to say. Dangerous country.

A matter of time over here. Look at the way they import the people in. Last time were got people dare to cycle on the road. Now? After importing some red hair people, they brought theirs culture here. Last time during daddy’s time, he no give face to red hair. Now the son took over have so many privileges for being red hair ended up we one country but two sets of law
I see many many Burmese people nowadays.
She met a murderer
Love is blind
The funny thing is they never disclosed the name of the accused…based on the name released, the victim is a North African, the judge is a North African, the Defence lawyer Elise Arfi , another North African?….I suspect the accused is also a North African…there are so msmy Arabs and North As living in France.