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Full Version: S'pore man jailed for evading $3,400 in car parking fees by using motorcycle IU
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Jean Iau
PUBLISHED OCT 20, 2021, 2:33 PM SGT

SINGAPORE - A driver was sentenced to three months' jail on Tuesday (Oct 19) for modifying the in-vehicle unit (IU) of his motorcycle, which had a season parking permit, and using it in his car to avoid paying additional parking fees.

Over a period of nearly nine months, Goh Zi Zhao, 41, evaded paying about $3,400 in parking fees
totally not worth it.
go jail now got record liao.
Innovative Singkie.......should join PayAndPay.
He used his own motocycle season parking for his car.

And when he goes to Orchard, his hourly parking rates is also motorcycle rates?
Just chg the UI color. 
Car- Grey clolour.
Motorcycle- Green Colour.
smart guy. he might be able to handle the current covid situation if put in charge