SG Talk

Full Version: Song Boh! 不少学校食堂摊贩结业 有家长亲自下厨
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It all depends on the canteen operators. They want to do 3 fine dining meals or 3 kopidiam meals.
(13-06-2023, 07:09 AM)Buffybuffy Wrote: [ -> ]It all depends on the canteen operators. They want to do 3 fine dining meals or 3 kopidiam meals.

you want our students jiak 3 meals in hawker center, food court or restaurant ?
Last time school canteen is offered to disadvantage families so that they have a mean to feed the family. School direct rent to operator at cheap cheap rate.

Now principal follow pap style, outsource to management company and let them find operator. Both operator and students suffer.
This Govt loves AI like FTs should get AI installed and cook for students just carbo and sell.