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Full Version: China household debt exceeds US for the first time
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[Image: inIoysU.jpg]
Worst thing is the Chinese debt are non-recourse on a depreciating asset.. Now everyone in China are having negative equity ..dampening any spending to stimulate economy...this is a debt trap spiraling into a rabbit hole.
China economy already got destroyed by the ccp cult. Their economy is in the shitters right now.

Ah tiongs are becoming poorer than before. Soon will be worse than north koreans.
To Pukimak ahbutt and all amdk arse lickers stooge’s your grandparents teach you all well 72 types style and pattern sucking amdk cocks cheo kau peng

I clap for you lor LOL
Ah butt pukimak no housing loan and car loan? Mama paid for everything?
now is either no money to attack taiwan 
 die die must attack taiwan to divert the public grief  to rally the party