SG Talk

Full Version: Why PAP Ministers, PM , President , MP , Mayors want more wages?
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Do they deserve ????

over the years so far ever since LHL is PM. literally tactically speaking SG NEVER PROGRESS MUCH.

Look around other countries, in fact other countries are progress much faster over SG.
so that they got more dignity
Cos do good together
Greeds. Sheer greed
It's easy to raid the reserves when a president slept
So easy!

Just cut down and remove the PAP Ministers by half

and make the remaining convert to Full-time, lor
Wonder why people agree with them working for money and not for the people. If really for the people, why need so much money? Does it justify based on the No of hours they work? Are they working 24/7 non stop?
Money no enough.
if voter can wake up then LHL will not have the mean to do what he wants . he is a shame to sg.