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Key takeaways from PM Modi's address to US Congress

"When I first visited the US as Prime Minister, India was the tenth largest economy in the world. 

Today, India is the fifth largest economy. 

And, India will be the third largest economy soon. We are not only growing bigger but we are also growing faster. When India grows, the whole world grows," PM Modi said.
it is true : when they come, the entire village come.
playing beri dangerous game KLAUS SCHWABed
if Russia breaks into pieces and makaned by the west all mati terus terus
olady sinkapoLans tioTOXed eggs sperms blood all dirty
now toking want us eat LABmeats
When India glows the whole world laughs…
India grows, the world grows??????????
Calling Jac Lau

Do you have wits to pit against his joke?
The whole world grows in terms of number of CECAs lah!
I rather the world goes one tenth so India goes away...
When India grows the whole world darkens
as illustrated
by stretching and pulling it
it make it grow faster

[Image: BlackandwhiteNecessaryCockatoo.webp]
(24-06-2023, 03:15 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]it is true : when they come, the entire village come.

Modi said it Indeer going to
bigger than europe largest economy Ger
and then push Jipun to third in Asia.

And Beekok is going help them
CECAland can only talk cock
india track record of treating foreign capital well not so good.
who dares to invest.
not profitable they leave to the merchant to ripe it off.
got profit the able man will bring in all kind of charges to take a share of money.
invest can got to think of way to recover money as well.
like register co in india, grow, list then send money back maybe can.
Very true indeed...:

[Image: GuCNVAl.gif]
grow some balls and recall all your country men to make india great

rather than leeching on others as coattail riders

like as if these brands are brought to life by you leeches

shameless madafakaz
(25-06-2023, 07:03 PM)aiptasia Wrote: [ -> ]CECAland can only talk cock

No joke,
If Indeer kept current pace jipun will be become 三哥 of axia
problem, corruptions grow is it. sure that will affect rest of world