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Full Version: China's ambassador to USA : “十里不同音,百里不同俗”
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(25-06-2023, 06:27 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]"美国哈佛大学连续十几年的追踪民调以及爱德曼等国际知名机构民调均显示,中国人民对中国政府的满意度常年保持在90%以上。中国从不向谁“输出”中国模式,也不会要求别国复制中国的做法"


西方的民主叫自由神教, 不一样lah。
而且,自由神像还是个法国人才奇怪。 Rotfl

DLLM, commie china exported her ideology/gave weapons/training to Malaysia communist in the 60s/70s that cost ten thousand of lives.

her ideology export/support to Cambodia pot pot to regime in the 70s cost million of lives
(25-06-2023, 11:30 PM)limpeh394 Wrote: [ -> ]>中国从不向谁“输出”中国模式
DLLM, commie china exported her ideology/gave weapons/training to Malaysia communist in the 60s/70s that cost ten thousand of lives.
her ideology export/support to Cambodia pot pot to regime in the 70s cost million of lives

That was before Deng era - According to LKY, he himself ask Deng to reverse China's policy of exporting revolutionary ideals.

Not that the Chinese bothered, but what caught Deng's attention is witnessing for himself a Chinese-majority tiny country like SG can be successful without being fully "democratic"
(25-06-2023, 05:55 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Many SGtalkers are Chinese illiterate... I think the best way to explain Chinese diplomat's view is with this famous illustration...

Big Grin

[Image: United-States-hypocrisy-over-Hong-Kong-p...-Floyd.jpg]
(25-06-2023, 11:30 PM)limpeh394 Wrote: [ -> ]>中国从不向谁“输出”中国模式

DLLM, commie china exported her ideology/gave weapons/training to Malaysia communist in the 60s/70s that cost ten thousand of lives.

her ideology export/support to Cambodia pot pot to regime in the 70s cost million of lives

You brain has been thooughly washed by AMTK!  Rotfl