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Full Version: No evidence of COVID-19 lab leak in US intelligence reports. Lab leakers are livid
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Paul Nuki
Tue, 27 June 2023 at 7:25 pm SGT


In late March, the US Congress had unanimously passed a law that said everything – yes, everything – the US intelligence community held on the origins of Covid must be made public.


It was a law lab-leak enthusiasts and those who think Covid has natural origins (the so-called Zoonati) agreed on, albeit for very different reasons. Lab leakers saw it as a means to formally get into the public domain information that US security sources had been drip-feeding to the media for two years or more. The Zoonati, meanwhile, never believed those stories, and backed the law on the grounds it would force the briefers to either “put up or shut up”.


Then social media exploded – but this time it was not China but the US state itself that was in the firing line. The lab-leakers, not just finding nothing in the disclosure to back their view but material refuting lines they thought they had established, turned their guns on the Office of the US President itself.


Lab leakers, convinced the lack of evidence in the dossier could only be explained by an illegal conspiracy to withhold it, started turning their guns on the US on social media.

“We waited 95 days for this?”, bemoaned Alina Chan, a Canadian researcher and leading proponent of the lab leak theory on Twitter. “It’s getting very difficult to believe that the government is not trying to hide what they know about #OriginOfCovid when you see a report like this that contains none of the requested info.”


“Quite amusing to find the [lab] leak lunatics (including those with senior academic appointments) now dragging the US intelligence community into their conspiracy nexus”, Tweeted Stuart Neil, professor of virology at King’s College London. “If the answer you find isn’t what they wanted, then, of course, you are part of the cover-up”.

“In ‘Water is wet’ news, no evidence of a lab-leak at Wuhan to explain Covid-19. But here’s the thing: there never was any good evidence beyond conjecture”, taunted the clinician and author Dr David Robert Grimes.


The report, as the law under which it was published requires, also makes plain where intelligence does not exist - and this contradicts much of what has been briefed to newspapers, including the Wall St Journal and The Sunday Times over the last few years.

There was “no indication” that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) held suspect viral samples before the pandemic or that any research-related incident had occurred. The Intelligence Community had “no information” indicating any genetic engineering work involving SARS-CoV-2 and biosafety training at the lab appeared routine. And perhaps most discombobulating, given recent media coverage, there were “no indications” that any researchers at the lab had been hospitalised because of the symptoms consistent with Covid-19.
Those wuhan lab-leaker ermaos shd slap each other hard hard and jump down from their kitchen windows Laughing
(28-06-2023, 12:27 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Those wuhan lab-leaker ermaos shd slap each other hard hard and jump down from their kitchen windows Laughing

I am more concerned about those US government briefings to newspapers previously about lab leaks. Either way, it means the US government was lying.