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Full Version: My Uncle say Grab might be increase prices for their PHV
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He told me, might be happen early next year.
Grab is a crap company. It's just a copycat with no innovation whatsoever, and worse, it's bleeding money every year. If it's not because of angel investors who are looking to make money through listing of the company, Grab would have collapsed long ago.
(27-10-2021, 12:19 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Grab is a crap company. It's just a copycat with no innovation whatsoever, and worse, it's bleeding money every year. If it's not because of angel investors who are looking to make money through listing of the company, Grab would have collapsed long ago.

Thats why they going backdoor listing, hoping some dumbo "investors" buy their shares. Every quaver lose hundreds of millions …. even go listing, will still lose $$$.Biz model not working
(27-10-2021, 12:19 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Grab is a crap company. It's just a copycat with no innovation whatsoever, and worse, it's bleeding money every year. If it's not because of angel investors who are looking to make money through listing of the company, Grab would have collapsed long ago.

TS Holding behind support lor , Grab profits , so do TS Holdings in the name of so call " help the country thus you too "
(27-10-2021, 01:11 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]TS Holding behind support lor , Grab profits , so do TS Holdings in the name of so call " help the country thus you too "

Want to increase, go increase lah. Doesn't bother me........ Rolleyes
If it's may increase then worth contemplating, if only might increase then just ignore.