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Full Version: Coup in Russia: Another Rebellion Brewing Against Putin
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Good to finished this dictator Putin off and Ukraine war wil end.
Just like all dictators be it Mubarak, Gaddafi, Saddam, they look strong until the very end then their power crumble in a matter of days.

Had putin been more humble and use his bullying only in Russia nobody will bother and he will just run his kingdom.

Unfortunately he decided to break international law and start a war.
ccp trash all very confused…no clear directive for them to cheer or boo Pudding. Laughing
Thought those little pink and wumao said their iron lao peh putin already settled the rebellion and nao in fixing modes liao to start arrest\executing the people that are involved? Tia those little pink and wumao gong those 8K wagner corp troops that managed to take refuge in belarus had already surrendered over all their heavy arms so ish in a secured area surrounded by belarus troops and tanks, can easily tio massacre once putin give order. Sad
(02-07-2023, 02:06 PM)Soulhacker Wrote: [ -> ]Thought those little pink and wumao said their iron lao peh putin already settled the rebellion and nao in fixing modes liao to start arrest\executing the people that are involved? Tia those little pink and wumao gong those 8K wagner corp troops that managed to take refuge in belarus had already surrendered over all their heavy arms so ish in a secured area surrounded by belarus troops and tanks, can easily tio massacre once putin give order.  Sad

[Image: IMG-3924.jpg]
Europe was importing 108B Dola of energy from Russia.
In order to maintain the same capacity of Industrial prowess
ahQua must be a good investment model for AIDs to continue
and Europe to import hi price US energy with Poland being the conduit
The infrastructure to do so is mindboogling.
events escalate
French rioters use military grade weapons
Poland the conduit for ahQua good investment model
the intention is to grab ahqua western ukraine
Poland has up the ante
want to station nukes
Long b4 Wagner mutiny Belarusia already built camps.