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Full Version: Good Death is important : Ong Ye Kung
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Agree with the Minister.

This is far better and peaceful way to go than wasting US$250,000 on a one-way ticket trip to 4km under the sea and famously dying for someone's agreed and arrogance

Big Grin
So Venerable Ong is giving a dharma discourse of Good Death.  Big Grin
(03-07-2023, 02:45 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]So Venerable Ong is giving a dharma discourse of Good Death.  Big Grin

Ong's shared his view a "Good Death" preparing for your After Life with your love ones at home and not in a hospital.
So he's now into spiritual? He should be vegetarian or vegan?
(03-07-2023, 03:12 PM)Pass-by Wrote: [ -> ]So he's now into spiritual? He should be vegetarian or vegan?

Are you ? Big Grin
(03-07-2023, 03:12 PM)Pass-by Wrote: [ -> ]So he's now into spiritual? He should be vegetarian or vegan?

I suspect he got a satori.    Big Grin
What is the point of good death after living a terrible life?
Once a person died, nothing is important to him or her anymore.
He wants everyone to die at home instead of at the hospital

This is bcos the population is aging and more and more people will die

But have he considered that no one knows when he will die and as long as there is a sliver of hope, the family will have the person at the hospital instead of at home....unless this Ong sheet is proposing the hospital to reject and discharge a dying person

After the person is rejected and discharged to the home and did not die, then how can the family take care of him when everyone is working? He thinks everyone is as rich as him can afford home nurses to take care of the dying person until passes away meh?

VTO lah, the PAP of today is short on ideas and suggest ridiculous "solutions", just so to free the hospital of resources

I also can suggest, no need to pay multi-million dollars to a donkey to suggest that

We want workable solutions and not shirking of responsibility of the hospitals
[Image: tenor.gif]
from TOX thrPAK to primary care meaning u might have to eat medicine for ex for hiblood
to Good death
from Black and white house to u do not need a big house to look after the voters
tio chaLiat chaLiat by the Russians
now sotongHouse dat Switzerland tio sio
Only good ppl will die peacefully on bed lah…
No wonder they buy GCBs at Ridout Road.

Preparing for good deaths.
now only Japonee Okinawa
still blow covid19
many many will suffer TOX
result in terrible PAINs
wonder why tox abt good death
now i wori
normally opposite
maybe guilty
Good way to die then legalized euthanasia loh
For me, I can die anywhere and it is a good death as long as it is painless and without suffering.  Cool
(04-07-2023, 12:59 AM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ][Image: tenor.gif]

What movie is this...seems good. Esp the Ah tiong creep creature