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Full Version: Severe cases more important than infection growth rate, experts say
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PAP keeps changing the moving target.

It is now OK to have 5000 number.
what theya re good at what keep changing goal post
True, keep changing goal post. Last time when infection and death is low, they boost we got gold standard.
These experts should just stop trying to sound like one. What's the point of aftermath reporting and comments. Lol

I'm happy that I decided a year ago never to take mRNA. I'm delighted that option was given for sinopharm to come in as alternative and glad to pay for it. My choice my consequences.

Getting everyone vaccinated and then infected I'm just not so sure about this strategy. It definitely looks short term focus to me. All about reopening and there's some reason to it which is about livelihood. It will certainly work and be fine as long as every other country out there does the same, I guess.

But what is the actual price to pay and who is paying for it? I can think of the many children that will likely have some longer term impact on their health (other than the enjoyment they had with hbl and no exams etc). Not so sure about the future human race, maybe all will be modified and infertile?

Just like 3 decades ago everyone went on the craze of healthy butter alternative call margarine. I refuse to follow, insisted that fats best from animals else don't bother. Decades later, the research now says that oil and fats derived from plant sources cause cancer. And lard is the 7th healthiest food in latest research.

God bless humankind. And for all those leaders selected but corrupted please do not acknowledge them when they call out to God on judgement day. Amen.
Not correct. Stress is a poison.
Later they will change to say number of death would be more important indicator.
ok i agree those looking at stats shld look at it this way.
but hey i m not going to wait to get infected to see if i become severe!
hello wake up! and i m certainly not going to let my old parents try the virus!
no thk you and sorry i want to make sure i live till 2025
If Mr LKY live up to his words and promise, he better rise from the grave and straighten out the sg govt immediately.
Experts or just dumb?

More infection will not have more severe cases, meh?
check check and check the blood cells and let us see photos of how they look
Get help from Dr Robert O Young
MoNanYong like dat also don't know.
FearMongering 24hrs.
useless comments again.
I can't breathe
and they show oxygen tank
or diaphram moving up and down.
Hemoglobins gone idiots
(28-10-2021, 10:07 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]These experts should just stop trying to sound like one. What's the point of aftermath reporting and comments. Lol

I'm happy that I decided a year ago never to take mRNA. I'm delighted that option was given for sinopharm to come in as alternative and glad to pay for it. My choice my consequences.

Getting everyone vaccinated and then infected I'm just not so sure about this strategy. It definitely looks short term focus to me. All about reopening and there's some reason to it which is about livelihood. It will certainly work and be fine as long as every other country out there does the same, I guess.

But what is the actual price to pay and who is paying for it? I can think of the many children that will likely have some longer term impact on their health (other than the enjoyment they had with hbl and no exams etc). Not so sure about the future human race, maybe all will be modified and infertile?

Just like 3 decades ago everyone went on the craze of healthy butter alternative call margarine. I refuse to follow, insisted that fats best from animals else don't bother. Decades later, the research now says that oil and fats derived from plant sources cause cancer. And lard is the 7th healthiest food in latest research.

God bless humankind. And for all those leaders selected but corrupted please do not acknowledge them when they call out to God on judgement day. Amen.

Layman are more knowledgeable than these so called experts.
(28-10-2021, 10:14 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]If Mr LKY live up to his words and promise, he better rise from the grave and straighten out the sg govt immediately.

You think too highly of LKY. In fact, LKY is never the one who thought of all the solutions. But he's a very good orator who can convince, so whatever the solution, he's able to persuade people that his intention is good. 

We may be able to get a good speaker but we'll never be able to have as much confidence in him because we will always have some doubts if this guy is only doing it for himself.

LKY is lucky that he has a team of very capable and selfless people to help him.
Rather silly logic.

If infection grow so will serious cases.

We are led by morons.
(28-10-2021, 11:27 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Rather silly logic.

If infection grow so will serious cases.

We are led by morons.

relationship may not be directly proportional
(28-10-2021, 11:20 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]You think too highly of LKY. In fact, LKY is never the one who thought of all the solutions. But he's a very good orator who can convince, so whatever the solution, he's able to persuade people that his intention is good. 

We may be able to get a good speaker but we'll never be able to have as much confidence in him because we will always have some doubts if this guy is only doing it for himself.

LKY is lucky that he has a team of very capable and selfless people to help him.

Perhaps it's for lhl to reflect why he didn't get to attract the right group of people to serve. But that's his choice and not for us to say.
If this is the case why demonized unvaccinated and restricted movement of ppl within the country??
This the Gov majority voters of intelligence ?🤦
(28-10-2021, 11:43 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Perhaps it's for lhl to reflect why he didn't get to attract the right group of people to serve. But that's his choice and not for us to say.

He MAY have gotten the right group of people to serve but the people could not be convinced. And why so? High Salary. People will always suspect that these people are in it for the money. And worse still, LHL gets people who are mostly civil servants, and what are these people well-known for? Follow-by-the-book, talk only and cover backside first. These are what civil servants are famous for.
so now the cases spike
they try to ignore it
as it glaringly highlight their imcompetance
then now want to only focus on the very sick
whic are cureently 'few' compare to the 5000daily cases
胡扯也是一种本领。。。 Rotfl
鬼"砖家", 鬼话连遍。
(28-10-2021, 11:27 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Rather silly logic.

If infection grow so will serious cases.

We are led by morons.

They think that we are a naïve group.
Anybody has received love sms from MOH to invite you to book for 3rd booster shot?
(28-10-2021, 11:27 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Rather silly logic.

If infection grow so will serious cases.

We are led by morons.

Now then you know. I thought you supported their mRNA hype?
(28-10-2021, 12:47 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Bingo!

They think that we are a naïve group.

They are not naive but  PLP.  How dare they go against the gahmen narrative?

If 5k persists, then expect deaths to surge too. The culling must continue as they continue to believe that mRNA is the holy grail.
(28-10-2021, 12:55 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody has received love sms from MOH to invite you to book for 3rd booster shot?

I received a SMS from MOH inviting me to go for the 3rd booster has been over a month now and nothing untoward has happened... Rolleyes