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MAS posts record net loss of S$30.8 billion amid rise in Singapore dollar, higher interest expenses

MAS says it made a “small” investment gain on the country’s official foreign reserves but this was outweighed by a rising Sing dollar and higher interest expenses.
Because of ah neh CEO?
Tharman to answer before resigning to become president?
Times are bad? Even Swiss central bank lost US$143 billion :
They lacked skilled forex traders.
Because their leaders like tharman, are bookworms.
(06-07-2023, 04:18 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]Times are bad? Even Swiss central bank lost US$143 billion :

Maybe this article can explain better:

The Deutsche Bundesbank and the Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) were among the first of the euro area central banks to forecast sizable annual losses. They will not be transferring remittances to their governments, and the DNB warns that it too may move into a negative equity position (though when it speaks of negative equity, the DNB is not counting most of the current market value of its gold reserves).

The Bank of England has a British government indemnity for losses related to QE. This will result in payments from the UK Treasury to the Bank over the coming decade projected to total almost £230 billion (10 percent of GDP)—a figure that could double if interest rates are even 100 basis points higher than in the base projection.

These losses come after years in which QE lowered borrowing costs for governments and increased profit distributions to governments from central banks. Since central banks nowadays tend to pay market-related interest rates on most of their liabilities, the flow of profits was likely to fall whenever interest rates started to rise.
SGD hasn't weakened much and I believed they used part or even most of that 30b keeping SGD strong. However, our reserve currencies suffered cos the rest of the currency dropped in value. MAS should instead let SGD depreciate to the next band around 1.45. This further strengthen our position as the place to store wealth, because it is easier for the funds to want to come in...

Edited cos I was thinking of USD and also how RMB moved after opening up. Funds are likely going into risk off mode even when they don't announce or say anything. They will want to go to a place to store away funds... JP Morgan had gone back into RMB given the weaker currency, SGD has to depreciate else funds will not come in..
Trapped and when forced to unwind and bite the bullet by the extent of long periods of high interest rates against bets of low or zero interest rates ... with no buyers to the bonds
situation surreal
Pokkai Dola rises and rises with higher rate
might even be we have to support others
and subsequently they fall
we don't know
and can be winning and losing at the same time
like getting more bananas in term of dat currency
west wants to kill Russians good luck with dat
Behind must be due to HC .
(06-07-2023, 06:35 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]SGD hasn't weakened much and I believed they used part or even most of that 30b keeping SGD strong. However, our reserve currencies suffered cos the rest of the currency dropped in value. MAS should instead let SGD depreciate to the next band around 1.45. This further strengthen our position as the place to store wealth, because it is easier for the funds to want to come in...

Edited cos I was thinking of USD and also how RMB moved after opening up. Funds are likely going into risk off mode even when they don't announce or say anything. They will want to go to a place to store away funds... JP Morgan had gone back into RMB given the weaker currency, SGD has to depreciate else funds will not come in..

let usdsgd fall from 135 to 145 is 7.4% drop. chicken wing at $2 will then cost more then $2.15 taking into consideration the inflation effect after importers pass thru many hands and transport cost will also increased.  then worker demand more wages and another round of inflation then ah wong want another 1% gst then another round of inflation.

so better for mas to loose some money then for me to spend more on daily necessary
(06-07-2023, 07:22 PM)sclim Wrote: [ -> ]let usdsgd fall from 135 to 145 is 7.4% drop. chicken wing at $2 will then cost more then $2.15 taking into consideration the inflation effect after importers pass thru many hands and transport cost will also increased.  then worker demand more wages and another round of inflation then ah wong want another 1% gst then another round of inflation.

so better for mas to loose some money then for me to spend more on daily necessary
I bet most of the increase is not importation cost but all upping prices along side with gst and other levies...
Yellen in China not for trade matters
China creates LUI backed by Gold
singlion watches RT not without problems with connection and waves matters
singlion install unbound and also pihole
no good. not easy to remove pihole
last i get it
The command is simple pihole uninstall no need to care abt BS sudo
U go thr.alot of Yes and no. singlion chooses Yes
what hapan next is out of the blue
no snap no firefox no connection
what is fantastic IT works
singlion has many computers
I am now on wireless laptop
singlion will investigate further
I watch Joshepine Teo toking AI
all BS You cannot regulate All Bad
singlion next will remove harddisk
and uses 2 micro cards for installing without pihole just unbound and see wat hapan
it is easy just just knock on escape key after power on
choose installation disk
Lose until Buey Lin Chu. Rotfl
They are Boy Scout?
Think they write off those useless CHINA
(07-07-2023, 07:56 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Think they write off those useless CHINA

Dont spread fake news, later you kena Lim Kopi. Rotfl
They already said high interest expenses.
China representative meets Yellen at the airport
RT reports
singlion read body language
Representative uses his index finger and Yellen bows.
Another ahQua weapons supplied by west landed in the hands of protestors in France
Riots appear in quite alot of places Belgium Switzerland etc
Very lucky already considered the world's largest sovereign fund from Norway also Soo Lwee until Tng Kor...
That's why sgd is so strong. No worries, once inflation comes down MAS will show massive profits.
Had been told before that red dot invested very heavily in AT land, especially in entertainment, properties and lands etc. All are among those sectors that are hit the biggest in AT land current downturn. But not sure if this more to do with MAS or GIC or Temasek. Or maybe all 3 ganna same and put too many eggs into one basket. Sad
(07-07-2023, 04:02 PM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]That's why sgd is so strong. No worries, once inflation comes down    MAS will show massive profits.

Will our banks be affected?