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Full Version: LHY latest post mention " "Sontaku 忖度"
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Lhy is a waste of time guy
This word goes beyond being obedient dog which is worse than fence sitters.
Ah Shame and Vivi are both guilty of Sontaku?

(07-07-2023, 06:01 AM) Wrote: [ -> ]Lhy is a waste of time guy

When he joined PSP, many peepur thought he would contest in Tanjung Pagar.  Instead, he said "Singapore does not need another Lee".

Did he ASSUMED that he would be voted?  Rotfl

Another Lee?  Sure?  So there was PM Lky, then PM LhL and now PM Lhy?

I don't think he really believes that Singapore is in a bad shape, that we are going to crash, we are finished...........under PAP.  

His only reason for joining PSP was "his brother" and it's over OXR.  I don't even think the issue was about demolishing or conserving the house.  The issue is that the Lky gave the house to his brother, and I believe that the house has sentimental value for all three siblings.  

Many of us still have fond memories of the kampungs we grew up in.  Some peepur would make a trip to this or that road regularly to see the place where a condo or HDB block stands which used to be the kampung where they grew up in. Childhood memories gushed back to the consciousness.   It's the emotional attachment which will follow them to their grave, and the grave they must go because these memories cannot be passed down to grandchildren.  They wouldn't understand.  It's so personal, yet precious..

OXR must mean the same for all three siblings.  All the talks by the 39% about respecting Lky's wishes are just smearing......politics, never mind the hypocrisy.
Japenis kukujiao ah?