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Full Version: HK: Citizens may need to receive COVID-19 vaccination every year
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(28-10-2021, 03:57 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]

If every year, it is still better than having to be jabbed half yearly....... Big Grin
It will be no different from an annual flu jab. And many die during flu season each year. Wondering if covid is just a very elaborated media campaign to get everyone on flu jabs and pharmaceutical laughing to the bank...
(28-10-2021, 07:02 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]It will be no different from an annual flu jab. And many die during flu season each year. Wondering if covid is just a very elaborated media campaign to get everyone on flu jabs and pharmaceutical laughing to the bank...

It is a pity that we need to be vaccinated once every year for the Covid-19, there must be a 'silver bullet' somewhere to arrest the deadly disease.... crying