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Full Version: Singapore must never become welfare state, but it can be a 'welfare society'
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This again is like Govt pushing responsibility down without setting the example.
His “either or” narrative is a false one. It is not Govt or Society...

Both society and Govt should take care of the welfare of the people

1. Singapore healthcare is a heavy burden to the citizens compared with Taiwan and Canada Govt is doing too little.

2 The care of elderly in particular their ability to retire  is worse among developed nations.

 Govt is reverse welfare importing so many people until Singapore became the most densely populated nation on earth cost of living is driven up and this hits our most vulnerable citizens the most. The Govt is in fact hurting the welfare of the people they should care for. I am not wrong to say this.

I have never been impressed with Tharman both on an intellectual level and his performance in Govt. He is just clever at dishing flawed arguments to support the pap this one which I a, calling him out on

Whenever we want the pap to improve the lives of the people they use the phrases like “welfare state” to  argue against doing more for eyes people....when in fact they often hurt the interests of ordinary citizens.

I will vote against him if there is a PE.
(08-07-2023, 03:48 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]This again is like Govt pushing responsibility down without setting the example.
His “either or” narrative is a false one. It is not Govt or Society...

Both society and Govt should take care of the welfare of the people

1. Singapore healthcare is a heavy burden to the citizens compared with Taiwan and Canada Govt is doing too little.

2 The care of elderly in particular their ability to retire  is worse among developed nations.

 Govt is reverse welfare importing so many people until Singapore became the most densely populated nation on earth cost of living is driven up and this hits our most vulnerable citizens the most. The Govt is in fact hurting the welfare of the people they should care for. I am not wrong to say this.

I have never been impressed with Tharman both on an intellectual level and his performance in Govt. He is just clever at dishing flawed arguments to support the pap this one which I a, calling him out on

Whenever we want the pap to improve the lives of the people they use the phrases like “welfare state” to  argue against doing more for eyes people....when in fact they often hurt the interests of ordinary citizens.

I will vote against him if there is a PE.

Me too, definitely.

IVE NEVER found this tumbi a leader of calibre, will NOT vote for him

His only saving grace for me is his stance on Crypto, not ring-fencing it, and not giving it explicit endorsement, which should be the way to handle such an evolving, frontier breaking asset class. Treating it at arm's length is what he is doing and I am pleased. The moment he changes his stance and suffocate Crypto will be the day he loses all credibility and relevance for me, he might as well go and die or get face-farked by an elephant.
He was quite good lah. Ministers all turf mentality all with own agenda... He listen liao told them off and ask them to all work together for a common goal. That said cos he was the DPM then. Next time he president liao dunno if got use or not...
something worng with the statement??? 
is like saying  i didn't go market to buy chicken rice but i buy chicken rice in food center  (food center is inside the market )
I notice that our govt and likely quite a few other countries have a skewed towards catering for the old and elderly. It is not wrong as it's a gratitude towards the pioneers for their contribution to the society. It is also important for us to have the mindset of taking care of the weaker ones.

But govts should also think of their other policies that will impact the rest of the population that eventually shoulders the cost. In a nutshell, you cannot have the cake and eat it. If the bulk of the cost goes to middle class and the rich. You need to take care of them. The rich knows how to take care of themselves and policies have muted effort on them in absolute terms. But the same cannot be said for the middle class. Opening up the employment to foreigners, giving scholarship to foreigners have direct impact on the well-being of the middle class. Rising cost of living affects the middle class mostly. All these are unfavorable policies that eventually cos a breakdown to the society.

A greying society is important for us to import foreigners, but never at the expense of the locals (citizens excluding pr) and middle class (including their kids hoping to escape poverty trap and getting education to do so).