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Full Version: Shanmugam singled out Goh Keng Swee for living in black-and-white bungalows too
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In his piece, Augustine Low challenges Law Minister K Shanmugam's comparison of modern ministers' accommodation to those of Singapore's past, questioning its relevance given the stark changes in ministers' salaries and perks.
[Image: Lim-Wee-Kiak-meme-dignity.jpg]
Does Shan know what the circumstances of Goh Keng Swee's time and role? Also GKS was a giant in building Singapore up. What the fug has Shan done except for introducing North Korean style laws like POFMA?
Shan says "I can defend myself.."

But by using GKS as a comparison shows something isn't right..

And worse to use GKS as a shield to defend himself...
"if some others can kill someone, why can't I" theory.
He is the ruling party’s main attack dog. And they are grooming Indranee to fit the role too.
Am laughing, cos he didn't single out his colleague, ex-speaker of house, Malay/Indian/Malay now staying in a house bigger than Ridout 31 (for free too).
Its called Istana.
He borrows the names of LKY and GKS alot.
Last time ministers wage is not high as now.

I suppose lower allowances and bonus if any
I think shameless comparing himself to GKS is really SHAMELESS.
Like a dog don't know he is really just a dog.
(09-07-2023, 10:57 AM)Truebluesg Wrote: [ -> ]I think shameless comparing himself to GKS is really SHAMELESS.
Like a dog don't know he is really just a dog.


He black want to taint Goh KS as black

Cannot stand him
Damn...I am not surprised Shan can slop so low...By playing whataboutism, using past pioneers officials private ownership to justify his today's excessive-ness in his property greed..... Angry    

After kenna CSI out for "renting" a giant B/W  9,350 sqm bungalow  expanded to 23,164 sqm.... Very obvious is this Minster of Law is DESPERATE - Knowing he is now widely seen as untrustworthy even after his Boss, CPIB and SLA came to his aid to rescues his already lousy reputation in the eye of SGreans...
Reminds me of that Hypocrite Malaysian

Always drag down others as low as him to dirty their reputation

Two Losers scratching each others back


[Image: Jo-Teo-and-him-are-winners.png]
can never trust pap, after so many things they did whether policy making and their useless minister. LKY will never allowed this to happened. once the trust lost, it is forever.
Sham should never have been given 10 minutes by the deputy speaker to preach in parliament. The issue being debated was whether there was conflict of interest or abuse of power, not whether ministers deserve to live in a big house.
How can an incapable Minister compare to those Old guards in PAP???

Goh is the builder behind when LKY instruct him to think ideas etc.

Whereas Shan just PLP to LHL
(09-07-2023, 11:57 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]How can an incapable Minister compare to those Old guards in PAP???

Goh is the builder behind when LKY instruct him to think ideas etc.

Whereas Shan just PLP to LHL

May be terminator for LHL lah. .... Big Grin
Wow, his mouth really dirty eh.
What a lousy and selfish minister, really ruined our country.
OMG! How can?

Calling late GKS spirit to defend and strengthen his defence...
Dr Goh Keng Swee's contribution is no less important than Mr Lee Kwan Yew. And Shan is citing Dr Goh? Shan's contribution is?
This shame obviously do not understand what is the meaning of shame.
The synonym for shame is snake
Some1 even wanted to throw egg at Shamugam
(09-07-2023, 06:21 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Some1 even wanted to throw egg at Shamugam

[Image: photo-2023-07-09-19-14-29.jpg]
Very Shameful. Want to hide behind GKS's back. What a coward
The resident CECA Pappy IB Oyk made an even better comparison - Low Thia Khiang.

GKS didn't use taxpayers money to maintain his house leh
Comparing himself with gks, too self-important lah.
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