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Full Version: UK report raises concerns suboptimal vaccine antibodies erasing natural immunity
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In many areas of life, half a loaf is better than no loaf at all. But when it comes to vaccines, the opposite is true. Half-baked antibodies injected throughout the entire population can make the virus even stronger and negate people's natural immunity. Thus, all the defenses of the leaky vaccine suggesting that it at least conveys "some" protection are actually extremely concerning, a point driven home by a nugget in the most recent surveillance report from Public Health England (PHE).
UK's Mexican wave never ends.
Natural immunity does not work if virus keep mutate,
antibodies can be evaded slowly or fast.

Nevertheless vaccine still has a role to play, as it also teach T cell B cell as well.

Another tool that can help is to reduce replication of virus.
It can inhibit virus multiple or to improve external environment.