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Full Version: UN asks Putin to extend Black Sea grain deal in return for linking Rus bank to Swift
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UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres got say over SWIFT meh?

Quote:Putin, in comments to Russian state television, also said the United Nations had so far failed to come up with a satisfactory solution to the issue and he denied having received any letter containing proposals from the U.N. Secretary General.
(14-07-2023, 10:01 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres got say over SWIFT meh?
SWIFT weapon can only be used once
now it is late.
Singapore as proxy
her GDP at 0.7% moving to zero and below
manufacturing plunges 7.5% in 2nd quarter
Sing-dola is now stronger than Dola on a relative basis
showing shortage more extreme than Dola.
Anyway Grain deal is for angmo nothing go to African
Russian interest is not there
Russia cannot honour the contract. Void.
Ball in UN court.
Putin will honour when Russian interests r taken care off.
Russia s frozen assets are worth 200B Dola
they r used for ahQua derivatives game
many many Russian organs are sold in the west
they even bring in the crematorias
Putin should not honor the grain deal. Let the European go diet...
(14-07-2023, 10:39 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Putin should not honor the grain deal. Let the European go diet...

NATO imposes sanctions on Russia now begs Putin to extend the grain deal in Black Sea, doesn’t work that way, they are in war now.