SG Talk

Full Version: $20.30 nasi padang from Food Republic stall at Jewel
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都怪自己蠢咯  Tongue
$20 better go A&W
Burst budget never mind, don't burst blood vessels can liao.
$12 for fish. Think it's best if they show the prices up front. Put up some board where they can re-write the prices everyday.
Buy nasi Padang and some more in jewel is asking to be chopped gao gao Big Grin
govt should sisidie the food stall rental in these expensive areas
If I unwise enough to be in the same situation I will ask them remove the fish. Else walk away.

Must have willing buyer and willing seller else no contract mah Laughing
Legitimate daylight robbery....

Very sharp knives ever ready to slash when one is not sharp enough to detect. Lol