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Full Version: Mahathir 's pro-China stance
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Ermaos agree or disagree?
Actually Madhatir ish never pro-AT one. Just that nao he ish no longer in power but he known a lot of boleh land chinese ish very pro-AT but anti-west, so he just want those chinese support to get back the power lah. Else during his PM-ship he ish never known to be pro-AT and not really keen to open door for ATs one, his successor jib kor then ish the real pro-AT one. Beside madhatir himself like laolee ish also anti-west since his time liao.
Mahathir is not really pro-China. He's anti-West. Been that way since the 1970s. Cause the western media villified him back then and also the Western nations keep doing bad things to Muslims.
Besides lah. This kind of lanjiao england how to please yr amdk master?