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🍛 'Daylight robbery': Diner shocked at paying $40 for 2 plates of nasi padang at Parkway Parade food court

“We are aware of this and are working closely with our tenant to improve the menu board with clearer price indications."


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[Image: scam-scammer.gif]
just pay
singlion went to cheap barber 6 singingDola present 10 dola
no return
singlion smiles
time bad
there is a man a BUM who singlion used to give 10dola for nothing
now singlion cannot near him
beri smelly from 2 meters away
time reali bad
dat how singlion gets really true gauge of the situation
thr. bad smell meaning jialat jialut
Got display price? If no, just refuse to pay & walk away ....period.
Useless Mi-Mi-Yan

So many years yet she never solve the problem

She want diners to ask the price for their few favorite dishes in Economic Stall

if price is high and must ask the price of other 5 or 6 dishes???
Beef chicken seafood and add extra servings ... So the diner is definitely not local?
stomper is a brave person

i never dared to buyed food court nasi pandang because scare of prices shocked
see la  always on tv interview people whether gst increased will impact them or not. They always say small amount la, 5 ct 10 ct things. now what happen. all suffers
Somehow, Muslim food is always more expensive.
The 2 diners must be very fat, need to order so much meat and seafood! Go 7-11 eat cup noodles, cost lesst then $4 for 2 pax.
Too much
Should display price of food n let customers choose whether to buy
Peasant kia best to siam any malay and indian cai png stalls regardless food court or hawker center, unless it ish sold as a set with very clear pricing.

Like one malay cai png stall in a food court near moi work place, if hoot the nasi ayam lunch set serve with fried drumstick, fried egg, mixed-veggie and fish cake, ish $12+. But if you kay kiang don't order as set but go individually choose the same liao (ie choose fried drumstick, fried egg, mixed-veggie and fish cake), that same dish actually become $17+ instead. Sad If the neighborhood stall near moi home, similar drumstick set meal will cost around $8, though ish 3 items nia without the fish cake.

The indian stall one got offer something similar at $13+ for the set (but the drumstick not fried type, egg ish soft-boiled with chili sauce, mixed-veggie ish curry type and no fish cake ish come with some crackers instead). Never tried order individual items from this stall before so not sure how much if do so. If near moi home one the drumstick rice set believe should cost around $8 too but recall ish without crackers nor fish cake.

The chinese cai png stall in the same food court if choose similar items, ie fried drumstick, egg dish, veggie dish and a fish cake, ish at $10+-. But if order similar at the neighborhood kopitiam\hawker center cai png stall near moi home, think should be around 6+ instead so won't say $10+- ish cheaper also. Sad

Never understand why the Indian and malay food tio mark up so much more, maybe they got used some sexpensive spices in the cooking. Sad
Aiya no matter how expensive, still got ppl eat and thats why hawkers cook.