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Full Version: Ng Kok Song - statement to the press very well structured
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(19-07-2023, 09:48 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Choose Georgie boy.  At least no ATB fiancée

She looks Atb but she is a Canadian bred Sinpwnean who comes from super high SES family [she sits on several boards and manages her family funds, which explains why his kids have no problem with  their mid 70s father remarrying someone younger dan themselves. She iz definitely not after his moollah. Her mandarin is nitemarish and she is either beri shy or naturally ghoulish... [see bdeo for yourselves]
He said he finally decided to come forward to serve the country because of recent integrity issues happening. So he is implying that if he is the President, he can prevent all these (Ridout GCB and Adulteries of MPs) from happening. Who is he trying to kid? .... Rolleyes
(19-07-2023, 10:58 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]She looks Atb but she is a Canadian bred Sinpwnean who comes from super high SES family [she sits on several boards and manages her family funds, which explains why his kids have no problem with  their mid 70s father remarrying someone younger dan themselves. She iz definitely not after his moollah. Her mandarin is nitemarish and she is either beri shy or naturally ghoulish... [see bdeo for yourselves]

Do you worry if this lady with that background has access to our reserves and data?
Any sane person at his age and background will likely prefer to enjoy his retirement years rather than expose publicly unpalatable and embarrassing situations regarding his family.

His 2 elder children are older than the fiancee.
They have to call her mummy??
(19-07-2023, 11:15 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Do you worry if this lady with that background has access to our reserves and data?

She no have access , even the president no have unfettered access to the real vital data lah, unless dis Kosong got fotographc memory or secret mini camera can take fotos of top secret document. you think pinky no have spies or no keep tabs on the incumbent president in office meh.

ony worry abt the her undue influence over her elderly fiance but if his kids no worry, dan neither should we.
(19-07-2023, 11:26 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]She no have access , even the president no have unfettered access to the real vital data lah, unless dis Kosong got fotographc memory or secret mini camera can take fotos of top secret document. you think pinky no have spies or no keep tabs on the incumbent president in office meh.

ony worry abt the her undue influence over her elderly fiance but if his kids no worry, dan neither should we.

Why risk it …. even if 1 % possibility …. it's still a risk to my country my home
(19-07-2023, 11:22 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]Any sane person at his age and background will likely prefer to enjoy his retirement years rather than expose  publicly unpalatable and embarrassing situations regarding his family.

His 2 elder children are older than the fiancee.
They have to call her mummy??

Denial …. that his death is nearing …. clinging on with his denial as ego at play
At his age, he should enjoy treasured moments with his grand children and family
He can't talk without looking down his paper . 😂
(20-07-2023, 06:44 AM)Alice Alicia Wrote: [ -> ]He can't talk without looking down his paper .  😂

Obviously someone wrote that rubbish speech for him.   Rolleyes
This kind of people dare to vote him?
Lau Cheeko
(19-07-2023, 10:58 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote: [ -> ]She looks Atb but she is a Canadian bred Sinpwnean who comes from super high SES family [she sits on several boards and manages her family funds, which explains why his kids have no problem with  their mid 70s father remarrying someone younger dan themselves. She iz definitely not after his moollah. Her mandarin is nitemarish and she is either beri shy or naturally ghoulish... [see bdeo for yourselves]

I think it is a ploy to dilute votes so that the estab’s choice will win.

Same tactic used at the 4 Tans contest.

Make this joker lose his deposit.  

Afterall he is very rich and can even afford a 40+ playmate.

What can a 40+ auntie do with a lau kok kok 30 years her senior? Thinking
(20-07-2023, 08:01 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]I think it is a ploy to dilute votes so that the estab choice will win.

Yes, obviously a vote splitter. Or maybe they intend to disqualify GG, then this is to give voters a chance to vote .
(20-07-2023, 08:04 AM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, obviously a vote splitter. Or maybe they intend to disqualify GG, then this is to give voters a chance to vote .
Very obvious that this Kok guy is introduced to dilute votes and cho luan.

If GG is to be disqualified then it's as good as no election...a walkover. 

Let him lose his deposit and inferiorate himself. 
Losing the deposit happened previously to's a reality !
Why all these people waste time to be president..its already Chosen..
(19-07-2023, 07:37 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]he contradicted himself totally.

1) he said he wanted to give chance to singaporeans to vote.
    this is rubbish because we have George Goh to vote already if he is qualified.
    there is no need for him to give a chance.

2) he said he is not affiliated to any political party.
    this is rubbish because he was affiliated to LKY as a mediation mentor and thus to PAP.

3) he managed reserves before. conflict of interest.
    we cannot have someone who managed reserves to safeguard reserves.
    because he will not reveal past mistakes if the past reserves was mismanaged.

Correct, I doubt whether he is fully independent. There is also something off with his wife Sybil who acts like an NPC. Both sit together during interview are like very awkward, like strangers. During the press conference, most of the family members also have gloomy face, esp the younger son-in-law all like being forced by unknown black hands 有口难言 to participate , LOL..:

Dunno why he kept praising PM Lee on his handling of the scandals (see 11:21-12:28):

YT comment:

[Image: img_6311-jpeg.186349]
Undoubtedly all 3 are smart guys lah, and it's just a ceremonial post. And having to vote is better than walkover right? So chincai chincai never mind lah.
Don’t know who to vote might vote 3
Shiny botak head will win lah, the others is just to ensure SG will have another public holiday
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