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Full Version: Why do we need to buy energy from overseas?
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Anybody knows?
Because hyflux went down. Lol

After soaking all the money...
(30-10-2021, 09:09 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody knows?

I suspect that Singapore will run out of natural gas from Indonesia soon, where most of our power stations are gas-fired ones. Therefore is there is a shortage of LNG, we will be greatly short of electrical energy..... Big Grin
It might not b a BUY if I can shutdown my unprofitable or expensive to run sets.
We are going green lah. So we dun.want all these polluting operations be carried out here. We let others pollute the planet and think that we are safe from weather change already........ Rolleyes
Buy "Red Bull"
(30-10-2021, 09:09 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody knows?

Singapore ministers also don't know..

If they don't know, how do we know.
We were running profitable at the Jurong Power station
when all sets at nearly max.capacity level.
Those were the days. Then come restructure
now they go BUST as the play is on supply chains lockdons around the world.
Inflation US corporation got BUSTED. Greta also got Busted.
The mony there. We save the Banks. We save the world.
IAM not yor enemy i hope. Really Greta?
singlon knows Dola swaps.

[Image: Screenshot-2021-10-31-at-05-53-20-Hundre...-leave.png]
Because singapore has nothing but money.
China dead 24 nuclear plants flooded
CCP1 reports to Medussa
Xi escaped Assasin killed
In 2023, Indonesia cutting gas pipe supplies to Singapore.
5.7 mio human gas in Singapore cannot light ups one LED bulb
(31-10-2021, 06:23 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Because singapore has nothing but money.

Sure or money meh?

85% living in pigeon holes
(31-10-2021, 07:42 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Sure or money meh?

85% living in pigeon holes

Govt la. they got about 24 trillion to 50 trillions
(30-10-2021, 09:09 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody knows?

Buy internally from who?
Yet noone can send like inDIA did with a missile with a range of 5000km
towards the 3 gorges dam. In india it was a test.
There 24 nuclear plants in there.
Fukushima only got 3
can u faTHOM wat will happen?
Actually, I read the news but still don't understand.
(31-10-2021, 02:10 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, I read the news but still don't understand.


locally, Sg can try similar to this

arr 'i still don't understand'
This makes u understand NOW?
You own nothing. u beri happy.
Remember Klaus schwab and his hi-octane wanted to come here.
solar and wind energies are not reliable. During rainy or cloudy days  your solar panels generate zero energy. When there’s no wind, also no energy will be generated. In the end people still go back to traditional energy like petrol and coal.
(31-10-2021, 07:38 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]solar and wind energies are not reliable. During rainy or cloudy days  your solar panels generate zero energy. When there’s no wind, also no energy will be generated.

If you install solar panels in Singapore, the excess energy can sell to pub.
(31-10-2021, 07:39 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]If you install solar panels in Singapore, the excess energy can sell to pub.

I saw CC installed hundreds of solar powered street lights along the neighbourhood last year. Guess what? majority of these lights fail to work at night. Is it another white elephant project? what a waste of money!
(31-10-2021, 07:42 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]I saw CC installed hundreds of solar powered street lights along the neighbourhood last year. Guess what? majority of these lights fail to work at night. Is it another white elephant project? what a waste of money!

Different kind of set up. Those on rooftops are high quality that can work at least one decade, energy captured can be tranferred to supply other houses.
(31-10-2021, 07:38 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]solar and wind energies are not reliable. During rainy or cloudy days  your solar panels generate zero energy. When there’s no wind, also no energy will be generated. In the end people still go back to traditional energy like petrol and coal.

The world should get rid of coal-fired electricity power stations, cos the green house gases is causing climate change and global warming. Also there are dust that are emitted from these power stations and  make the town/city filled with black soot.... crying