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Full Version: 【我要找的可不是没用的男人】想娶越南新娘的狮城单身汉注意:再过10年,你们可能也out了
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红蚂蚁Telegram新闻推送 :
This ish old news, ish already kind of expected liao as foreign investment transferring from AT land into Vietnam in leecent year. Wat happen to the economical miracle of AT land in the past few decades will likely be applicable to Vietnam too if their govt dont' screw up too much.

The good news ish that give AT land another decade or so under winnie, very likely AT bride will become a thing again like in the 80s and 90s. Else BBFA sinkie can only go Africa Sad
(26-07-2023, 10:42 AM)Soulhacker Wrote: [ -> ]This ish old news, ish already kind of expected liao as foreign investment transferring from AT land into Vietnam in leecent year. Wat happen to the economical miracle of AT land in the past few decades will likely be applicable to Vietnam too if their govt dont' screw up too much.

The good news ish that give AT land another decade or so under winnie, very likely AT bride will become a thing again like in the 80s and 90s. Else BBFA sinkie can only go Africa Sad
Can u stop farking link everything to China? Every blardy topic u also want to pull China in. Damn irritating. Your ass kena poked by the Chinese before izzit.