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Full Version: Couples who choose to be childless should get lesser subsidy and pay more taxes
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Couples who refuse to have kids should get lesser subsidy and pay more taxes.

Our HDBs are subsidised. It is meant for couples who want to set up families and have kids who contribute to Singapore in future. Selfish couples who want to YOLO, enjoy themselves should not enjoy subsidies when they buy HDB.

If selfish couples don't produce kids who will be future taxpayers, then we should raise taxes on these selfish childless couples to compensate for the lack of future taxes.

This is fair and reasonable.
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ST CloseUp: Why some women choose to be child-free
Many of them face pressure, and are often labelled selfish or even unnatural for not wanting children.. Read more at
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SINGAPORE - Madam Shirlene Noordin is 52 this year, and she still gets asked when she will have children. The communications director, who has been married for a decade, used to find such questions intrusive, but they now just make her chuckle.

When she was younger and answered that she preferred never to be a mother, friends and relatives often told her she would change her mind. Some even warned that she might regret her decision one day.

Now, past her childbearing years, neither has happened. She and her husband continue to live a fulfilling child-free life.

She is not alone. According to the latest population figures, there is a 
growing pool of married women in Singapore who do not have children.
Not their fault.
I have study-boy
and found spike proteins
in their organs both man and woman.
While having kids is a choice or not having could be a case of no choice, the govt housing policy has been skewed in favor of couples for the reason of sustainable population growth. Hence, there is a need to take back the benefit if the couple doesn't want any kids.

For one, those who doesn't want children shouldn't be given priority for public housing. They are no different from the 35 yo singles who are discriminated to getting small flats. Two adults without kids and no intention of any shouldn't be rob other couples with intention of starting a family.

There should be a new rule that for those that pick a flat under the fiancé scheme cannot sell their flats to secondary market upon MOP and to only sell back to HDB at the same purchase price or market whichever lower. For those that remain childless without medical reason, they should see their property tax be at 10% instead of 4%.
We are in existential threat.
We must protect our fertility
at all cost.
We must check their organs eggs and sperms.