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Full Version: 13 countries exercised until helicopter crashed liao!
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澳軍機墜毀4人失聯! 美澳"護身軍刀"13國聯合軍演全面暫停|世大運開幕 習近平彭麗媛與6國元首蒞臨 【全球現場】20230729 @Global_Vision


5 missing!

Kena punished before they could attack others?
(29-07-2023, 07:06 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Kena punished before they could attack others?

Must be China's fault lah!  Rotfl
keh kiang la
Wow,,, so close to each other.
Have not fight one loss already...if really fight how ?
Thats the real exercise we recommend. Get as real as possible. Not those usless CCP china millitary exercise all rehersal and staged until perfect before actual show for 吸金贫 to see...any accidents media will delete off from ccp national tv
(30-07-2023, 09:50 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Thats the real exercise we recommend. Get as real as possible. 

Yes! You are right! They should use real bullets and missiles to shoot at each other!  Rotfl
Use also real bombs to drop at "enemy" position....too!
(30-07-2023, 07:51 PM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]Use also real bombs to drop at "enemy" position....too!

So the 4 were sacrificed to make the exercise as real as possible.
Good news!
This is a very bad omen.

Right before exercise start, a trailer carrying a US army M1 tank for the same Ex. got into a major road accident that lead to fire and Queensland highway shutdown - lucky the only causalities are injuries.