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Full Version: Why wasting everyone's time electing a President just to hold a key for 6 years?
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Why set such stupid criteria when electing a President just to hold a key for 6 years?
What is your solution?
(05-08-2023, 08:30 PM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]Why set such stupid criteria when electing a President just to hold a key for 6 years?

The amount for staff salaries is increased to $4,532,400 or $473,600 higher than that of the year before.

The President’s entertainment allowance remains at $73,000.

The revision is part of an overall increase in the manpower expenditure for the Office of the Istana, which is staffed by 62 personnel.
(05-08-2023, 08:37 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]What is your solution?

The Istana already employed additional 62 staff to protect the KEY 24/7

Hold a fake key la....😅
(05-08-2023, 08:52 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]The Istana already employed additional 62 staff to protect the KEY 24/7


Hide key with traps just like Indiana jones movie no need so many staffs.
(31-07-2023, 08:14 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Please don’t stop us from having a free public holiday hor  Blush

A Sunday.
Have you seen the key b4?

How big is the key?
Because anything can happen within 6 years.
(05-08-2023, 10:08 AM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 669ad69f6e1a21b94f273e29a92ae47b_w200.webp]

She's costing Taxpayers $1,580,00 a year just to do that..

Nice titties Big Grin
TS has raised a true and valid question. With a President who simply agrees with the ruling party, when the President was formerly were with the same party is unavoidable. And Singaporeans are paying 4 over millions SGD for this position.

It doesn’t help Singaporean, whether the elected President being a honest person (taking the word PM has said in Parliament) because that’s the fundamental requisite, but the future President, he/she will simply does what the ruling party says. This is evident with the current as well as the past Presidents.

Many Singaporeans simply don’t realised that with majority seats in Parliament belongs to one party, would allow them to do as they pleased. Which includes the “elected” President.

Despite we were told that the ruling party members will “question” or “check” the administration should they find things amiss, but by far we have not seen such happening. Even if there “are” members who questioned, they may ended up being silent.

Singaporeans as we have seen some of the replies here in this forum, would settle for a day holiday(be it 4 or 6 years); or that we knew that the President a “puppet”, or to be a ceremonial figure, etc. majority don’t really cares or questioned the current government much. Even though we were told in our news media that Singaporean do question but is that really question from the ground?

The solutions is to have more oppositions’ seats in Parliament, because the current administration not only has the majority seats taken by the ruling party but also include the President. This would mean when we have more oppositions taking up the seats, the President is still on the ruling party sides. Therefore however many oppositions we have, the ruling party will still has the majority says.

We have seen recent turn of events with ruling party and the leader, how they handle them and how they have let things to develops over a period of times. Instead of taking “swift decisions or actions” when they have all the evidences, just like LKY would have handled the National Development Minister back in those days.

With the turn of events, we also sees that the ruling party is running short of “talented” people, which shows why LHL has taken a long time to make necessary decisions.

And under the watch of LHL, we have also seen corruptions, affairs, escape of extremist, etc. over the years that he was in the position. The accountability were late or none to say the least. This leader is slow to handle tough decisions with his party member wrong doings, let alone his administration. Looking at the future leader, he will not be any good, because the selected one would have, if not the same or close to access the information as LHL. Whether the selected successor has raised concerns, we have no means to know.

Therefore the only avenue left with having more opposition seats be taken up, in order to stop further deterioration of our “clean” government that we used to have under LKY’s rule. Because the current leader and possibly the future one, are not able to hold the same kind of standards as LKY has given us with his administration. Just my opinion.
We also had 2 Speakers from the same party who resigned in ignominy Big Grin
(06-08-2023, 12:32 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]VOTE FOR CHANGE

Voters being treated as guinea pigs


Playing monkey 🐒🐒🐒
Only stupid people will vote for Tharman as President

A Waste of Talent who becomes a Puppet and do nothing
(06-08-2023, 06:08 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Only stupid people will vote for Tharman as President

A Waste of Talent who becomes a Puppet and do nothing

Once a Eunuch always a Eunuch
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