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Full Version: Dont laugh! Japan's 10-year bond yields reach 9-year high on BOJ policy changes
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Big trouble is brewing. Rotfl
[Image: giphy.gif]
The yen is coming home
Yen carry trade unwind best. Wanna see how many naked bodies when tide recedes. Lol
old story of Japan played too close to the the sunZERO
deflationary blackhole Apam tioSuction
now dat the Dola bankcrupted none can help her anymore
U no the yen carry trades
so u must b the trained eye dat look at the intensities of trades within the zero-bound.
(01-08-2023, 01:15 PM)red3 Wrote: [ -> ]The yen is coming home

About 3.5Trillion SGD, is it a lot? Rotfl
Powell will have many months of sleepless nights.
Who is going to buy our Junk Bond?

The strengthening of Yen also mean the start of dumping US bond.