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Full Version: CANADA: Justin Trudeau met Sophie Grégoire split, start to end.
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She was a new television host in Montreal who had worked in advertising and as a personal shopper at Holt Renfrew. 

They had crossed paths years before. She was the only child of a wealthy Montreal stockbroker, and a childhood friend of Justin’s late younger brother Michel.

Her interest in Eastern spirituality and self-improvement was occasionally shared by her husband, but less openly, as when photographs taken during his appearance on a podcast in 2017 showed marks on his arms caused by “fire cupping,” a faddish therapy derived from traditional Chinese medicine in which alcohol is set alight on a cotton swab to remove oxygen from a cup before applying it to the skin, creating a low-pressure seal that leaves telltale bruising.

“We can confirm that he indeed uses that treatment,” was all his press secretary would say, but Sophie’s influence seemed obvious.

Sophie once told Global News. “We want truth. We want to grow closer as individuals through our lifetime and we’re both dreamers and we want to be together for as long as we can.”

Canadian: Doug Locke
It not fair , she gets to split from him and we stuck with the idiot
The two left the restaurant, went to a karaoke bar, and then ended up talking late into the night. A story that both have told often is how sure Trudeau was he’d met his match for life on that first date. Recalling his own words at the end of the evening, Trudeau said he told Grégoire Trudeau: “I’m 31 years old, so I’ve been waiting for you for 31 years.

It’s not just the unravelling of a marriage, but also a political partnership. Grégoire Trudeau has been the wife to this prime minister and mother of his children — but also an adviser, on everything from campaign style to the biggest decisions Trudeau has made.
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