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Full Version: Oyster Omelette
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[Image: IMG-0826.jpg]

I had these for lunch in Kinmen island on Friday
(06-08-2023, 06:27 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG-0826.jpg]

I had these for lunch in Kinmen island on Friday

On top is Oyster Omelette Taiwan style…the lower one is Oyster Vermicelli蚵仔麵線 with 30+ oysters
The best is to tarpau all and then bring back to hotel and eat on a cold wintry nite Big Grin
There're more mala stalls than oyster omelette stalls in Singapore.

The PG have died or are unable to eat this. The MG are one and a half feet there.

The young are crazy about Japanese and Korean food..

Oyster omelette is dying... may vanish from Singapore in 10 years
(06-08-2023, 06:13 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]

Credits go to him.
Quite easy to cook