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Full Version: F-16紧急升空拦截民用直升机 樟宜机场运作一度受影响
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F-16紧急升空拦截民用直升机 樟宜机场运作一度受影响
Malaysia gov sent one.
The copter if fly over at 5.30 pm into Changi Air space how har ?....think the formation display at Padang may stop ; and sent to chase the copter away loh. ...
(09-08-2023, 10:50 PM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]The copter if fly over at 5.30 pm into Changi Air space how har ?....think the formation display at Padang may stop ; and sent to chase the copter away loh.  ...

Shoot them down.
Drone lah...
This isn't the 1st time nor will it be the last...
Clearly SG was already monitoring the AS350 helo when its flight path suddenly divert directly south towards our eastern airspace..on N-Day.
Same pattern as last time when another M'sian registered helo cross over Tekong.
(10-08-2023, 10:15 AM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]Shoot them down.

如果发生了,  在新加坡的马劳的反应可想而知 .... Big Grin