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Full Version: NDP 23:Puppet president Haleemah makes a spectacular fool of herself on National TV!
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[Image: photo-2023-08-10-00-07-11.jpg]
What a big clown this is.
This is what happens when one don’t take his/her work seriously.

Want to bet this part will be removed during the repeat telecast.
No need to beg, confirm will censor one
When rehearsals done by others and the lords stroll in at own pace and fancy on actual event? Lol
(09-08-2023, 11:47 PM)pinkypanther Wrote: [ -> ]

Last time liao lah! Big Grin Nevermind lah!
She looks like she’s going to report to her reporting officer rather than having the officer reporting to her. 😅
So many times liao the guards also dont know she blur blur need more guidance..the guards need to be sack.
She seemed lost and walking around in circles until the Guard Commander appeared to use his hand to direct her to her proper place to stand.  Big Grin
Puppets are blur...
[Image: 04c.gif]
Aiya ; footballer in front of goal post and crowd also shoot wrongly lah. .....
Puppet only follow instructions and she has been doing that since the 1st day of her selection
Blur like sotong
Easy million dollars for 6 years excluding benefits and perks.
Highly's best job indeed.
(10-08-2023, 12:23 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote: [ -> ]the general is quite stupid. he could have said "please stand at the marked spot" but instead he simply gestured his hand in a way that could mean a million things

Today kanna demoted to Signaler liao..
Why give some faces to her lah...last parade already next time we call her Mdm not President liow...
Low energy  just like Biden. Watch Trump's energy .kenna plunk for sure. .
(10-08-2023, 12:23 PM)Fancy-Bus8506 Wrote: [ -> ]the general is quite stupid. he could have said "please stand at the marked spot" but instead he simply gestured his hand in a way that could mean a million things

On the parade square, the Encik is KING!

The President will be demoted for being dumb!
Who is the general? That aaron beng kia?
The way she walked revealed alot too.

No dignity at all. How much did she cost us again?