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RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - guffaw - 20-12-2021

(20-12-2021, 11:23 PM)forum456 Wrote:  if you import more foreigners, more IT jobs will go to foreigners.

More IT jobs should go to local talents and not foreigners.

Foreigners is to supplement when there is shortage and not to replace locals.

If you run a familee business and your family members cannot make it, do you hire outsider or train your family members more?

Or maybe hire outsiders to complement your family members?

RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - forum456 - 20-12-2021

(20-12-2021, 11:28 PM)guffaw Wrote:  If you run a familee business and your family members cannot make it, do you hire outsider or train your family members more?

Or maybe hire outsiders to complement your family members?

current problem is shortage of local talents.
it means shortage of family members.
it is not local talents or family members cannot make it.

logically, should ensure all family members who want to work in family business can work in family business.
the rest who do not want to work will be supplemented by outsiders.

RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - forum456 - 20-12-2021

(20-12-2021, 11:37 PM)forum456 Wrote:  current problem is shortage of local talents.
it means shortage of family members.
it is not local talents or family members cannot make it.

logically, should ensure all family members who want to work in family business can work in family business.
the rest who do not want to work will be supplemented by outsiders.

if the govt can create 1000 IT jobs, the govt should train 1000 IT graduates.

if only 900 IT graduates want to work, the govt can import 100 foreigners to supplement the shortage.

RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - ArielCasper - 21-12-2021

(20-12-2021, 06:55 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  IT is very diverse. When you said each field needs IT, you are actually talking about many different things. It's better that you have people who are versatile than people who only want to do one kind of work. If you have more people doing IT then you'll have fewer people in other fields. It's not possible to do that with our small population, and so yes, I support foreigners to supplement our work force.

Yes, but what do we have now?? Our IT work force supplementing foreigners.

RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - ArielCasper - 21-12-2021

(20-12-2021, 07:00 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  One thing, is Now easy to hire Freelancer or remote IT workers.
No need to pay so much for a person report come work at 9am later 5pm knock off work.
Yet PAY so much.

This is one thing I not sure Gov knows , this trend already happen for years ever since Internet evolve , Digital Marketing etc

True, jobs will be lost due to globalization and outsourcing..

If the job is relocated from Singapore to another country, we can't say much since we can't complete on cost..

But, we are seeing tons of CECA (pre COVID days) in the industrial parks, working as IT in major industries.. The jobs are here and willing to be here, but it didn't go to a local..

RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - ArielCasper - 21-12-2021

(20-12-2021, 04:47 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Many of our problems lie with ourselves, or rather, on how our perspectives of things are shaped by the govt. I have seen many tech people in other countries moving from industry to industry with very little barrier and very little discrimination.

In Singapore, people seem to develop a mentality that when you're trained in one specialization, you've got to remain in this area, and if you moved around then it's because you're a reject, or that you got no choice.

In my opinion, people should be trained in the technical fields, because it developed their logical thinking and then they can move on to do other things. An engineer can be transited to do business and marketing but the other way is usually not possible. But now, engineering has become a dirty word, and has become an occupation even less desirable than those of the business and marketing streams. AI and data analytics jobs that are so hot now could be easily filled by engineers, since in truth, these areas actually involved a lot less mathematics and complexity than engineering. Instead, no, employers tend to look for 'IT trained personnel', and thus restrict their choice and they had to look for overseas talents.

In order to have less dependency on foreigners, Singaporeans must first be prepared to accept the mobility of our own people across different domains. The education system cannot predict trends, and never can, because the future is unpredictable. Only by having our people develop immense curiosity and trained esp. in the core technical skills can they have more options in the job market.

Agreed.. But if you look deeper, what you have described could also be due to our manpower policy..

What you have described may be still applicable for internal transfer in big organization, but as a job application, no way.. Even civil sector or GLC will not be willing to do that.

If import of manpower is difficult, biz will be more receptive (no choice) to fill AI and data analytics jobs that are so hot now by engineers..

But since import is easy, of course you go for import.. Remember, as the hiring manager, if you hired a 'IT trained personnel' and he/she screwed up, as the hiring manager you at most say the person got go interview skills. But if you hired 'IT trained personnel' and he/she screwed up, the hiring manager needs to answer why did you hire a non 'IT trained personnel' in the first place?

RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - guffaw - 21-12-2021

(21-12-2021, 10:03 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  True, jobs will be lost due to globalization and outsourcing..

If the job is relocated from Singapore to another country, we can't say much since we can't complete on cost..

But, we are seeing tons of CECA (pre COVID days) in the industrial parks, working as IT in major industries.. The jobs are here and willing to be here, but it didn't go to a local..

There are not enough locals to do IT jobs. The demand is too great.

Being global in nature, mnc will move the jobs elsewhere, or even their regional hq to other countries if they cant get talents in singapore, when government start restricting foreign imports.

RE: Forum: Local unis should take in more IT students - debono - 21-12-2021

(21-12-2021, 11:10 AM)guffaw Wrote:  There are not enough locals to do IT jobs. The demand is too great.

So must source from "CECA" people...... Laughing