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China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Printable Version

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RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

(16-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

freedom is the most valuable thing in your life, what china people dont have today is freedom & human right.
in china, 5000 yrs of slavery society, these china people already numb &  do not know what is their life, living in such a inhumanity society, generation after generation kena brainwash till morons.
It worth everything to exchange for your freedom.


RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Notdumb - 25-04-2022

Didn't know Kokee was a former slave in China. So poor thing no wonder love to suck angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 05:16 AM)kokee Wrote:  since last yrs already said china property bubble going to burst.
>30 city & town property price below RMB4500 sm=RM450 sft=S$90 sft, some complete unit at S$10k-30k is norm.
>40 city & town, price down >60% already.
ton of bad debt for housing loan for banks in china, auction easily up 30000%, ton of abandon, letb youhave their unit if you continue to pay loan & more. after covid in shanghai & most coty, situation will be much worse with income down, jobless surge to sky.
global rate hike push china rate direction, housing loan rate also on the rise, plus RMB plunges, double down for foreign buyers.
next is can china banks survive if property total burst?
HK property is the same.


樓市,又到了最嚴峻時刻……30城房價低於4500元㎡,幾萬元一套房,降價都沒人要? 房價再便宜50%才正常?

with china property crashing hard now, ton has to abandon their property at any price but their cant run away from their bank housing loan, ton due to developers bankrupt, property uncompleted, no property to stay but still need to pay housing loan in full or bank will sue them to bankrupt, that is if they loan $2 mil from bank, they did not get the property yet still need to pay up $2 mil in their life time to bank, millions of such cases now & if they die, their children has to continue to pay for them, this is real slavery in their life time & slavery their children, well done, china, this is very common in chnia today with collapsing china property market.

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Fleetdestroyer - 25-04-2022

Careful hor moronic kokee king of know nuts preaching Falun Gong hor hiaz

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 11:35 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  Didn't know Kokee was a former slave in China. So poor thing no wonder love to suck angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

Kokee's former boss :

[Image: W020090403628886904941.jpg]


RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 10:56 AM)kokee Wrote:  this video in china, 5 hours 400 millions viewership, the more they censored, the more they post.
let see this april can be like june in 1989 & make it bigger across china to riot & protest together, with internet time today compared to 1989, can balless china people awake.

一部嚇尿了中共的影片,牆內5小時4億次觀看, 不停被刪,卻不斷被更多人轉發----《四月之聲》

4.24 【中國遍地開花!】崑山居民起事,上海封城輻射江淅,官追民反,全國出現群體事件,星星之火 可以燎原!

let see these china slavery can awake, stand up & fight for their future generation.
now all these slavery are in fear under the gun of ccp, let wait for their anger exceed their fear, use their blood to start another revolution in china.

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

Kokee, who was your boss?

[Image: W020090403628886944291.jpg]

[Image: W020090403628886958413.jpg]

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

sure, such hard truth & real fact will never able to show in china, ccp china are so scared of truth, they censored almost 100% of these real fact, spam all the lies for their propaganda to brainwash slavery there to fight & sacrify their life for their dictator, same to all comie dogs here spam all communist source of fake here to brainwash brainless here due to skin color or slavery mindset. Enjoy the one & only life you have on earth, not suffer yourself as slavery. freedom is utmost important in one life to be able to life fullness, same to humanity & right.
be truthful & live sincere & honest.



RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Fleetdestroyer - 25-04-2022

Careful hor moronic kokee king of know nuts preaching Falun Gong hor hiaz

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 12:02 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Careful hor moronic kokee king of know nuts preaching Falun Gong hor hiaz

Kokee loves such CULTS and their AMTK mentality!  Tongue

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

(16-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

more & more china people wake up but still not enough to topple evil ccp because all know 4-6-1989, ccp used tanks to roll  over china students, all the military weapons is under ccp, they used this to deal with the people not US, people definitely living in fear as they know the govt gun is towards them. Unless real majority of them out in one, chances is very slim like 1989, ton died & achieve nothing.
now many places across china already has some movement, definitely need much more.

打臉中共宣傳 中國歌手唱出封城下的百姓慘狀


RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

[Image: W020090403628887035716.jpg]

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

[Image: W020090403628887041243.jpg]

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

[Image: W020090403628887054026.jpg]

Picture shows the skins of people decorticated by a serf-owner.


RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

more & more china people wake up but still not enough to topple evil ccp because all know 4-6-1989, ccp used tanks to roll  over china students, all the military weapons is under ccp, they used this to deal with the people not US, people definitely living in fear as they know the govt gun is towards them. Unless real majority of them out in one, chances is very slim like 1989, ton died & achieve nothing.
now many places across china already has some movement, definitely need much more.

打臉中共宣傳 中國歌手唱出封城下的百姓慘狀


RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

Picture shows a slum called Pangcun in Lhasa, which was home to beggars.

[Image: W020090403628887022368.jpg]

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Notdumb - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 03:42 PM)kokee Wrote:  more & more china people wake up but still not enough to topple evil ccp because all know 4-6-1989, ccp used tanks to roll  over china students, all the military weapons is under ccp, they used this to deal with the people not US, people definitely living in fear as they know the govt gun is towards them. Unless real majority of them out in one, chances is very slim like 1989, ton died & achieve nothing.
now many places across china already has some movement, definitely need much more.

打臉中共宣傳 中國歌手唱出封城下的百姓慘狀


So now u saying your whole family was run over by tanks. How come u still alive huh? U run over the tanks? Laughing

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cheekopekman - 25-04-2022

(16-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

Why you so against China leh?

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - WhatDoYouThink? - 25-04-2022

[Image: 20220425-170402.jpg]


RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Notdumb - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 05:23 PM)kokee Wrote:  china, a fully controlled, censored society, any truth & fact will be banned & blocked if did not lick ccp balls.
basically no real fact & hard truth in china, all will be twisted for propaganda, like all comie dogs here bark all the lies, when truth eventually out, the never get 1 case right due to their fake & lis, all these bloody communist source of lies.
by force like in HK, lawless, dictator said so to slavery in china.


germans living in Shanghai are angry that the Shanghai government is too bad

China lied to u that your parents r from Shanghai ah?

Your parents r actually from indian and USA? Laughing

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

(16-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

china, a fully controlled, censored society, any truth & fact will be banned & blocked if did not lick ccp balls.
basically no real fact & hard truth in china, all will be twisted for propaganda, like all comie dogs here bark all the lies, when truth eventually out, the never get 1 case right due to their fake & lis, all these bloody communist source of lies.
by force like in HK, lawless, dictator said so to slavery in china.


germans living in Shanghai are angry that the Shanghai government is too bad

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - cityhantam - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 03:51 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  So now u saying your whole family was run over by tanks. How come u still alive huh? U run over the tanks? Laughing


RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - sporeguy - 25-04-2022

This cock @kokee ... really like to exaggerate!

In one of his post he claimed RMB collapsed - from RMB 6.3 to RMB 6.5 to the USD dollar ... I'm not sure if he knows economics - about a year back the RMB was about RMB7.6 to 1 US dollar ....

Then according to the logic by the cock @kokee Malaysia must be bankrupt? Since Malaysian Ringgit went from RM3.08 to RM 3.17 to 1 singdollar!?

This cock@kokee really talked cock! Hope other forumers not fooled by this cock talk by the cock @ kokee

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - sporeguy - 25-04-2022

.... and just in case this cock @kokee not cock sure that China has over USD3.1 trillions of foreign exchange - China can easily use the reserves to spur the local economy!? Now how much reserves US UK can use to spur their economies? Really talk cock!

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 03:51 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  So now u saying your whole family was run over by tanks. How come u still alive huh? U run over the tanks? Laughing

all these comie dogs here can only start all these personal abuse.
comie dogs here, cityhantam, sporeguy, niubee, chaos, fleetdestroyer, RiseofAsia, lvlrsSTI, webinarian, migrant, Huliwang, Notdumb & ton more.
all these dogs & their family all died, I still post happily here. LOL LOL.

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Notdumb - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 05:50 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these comie dogs here can only start all these personal abuse.
comie dogs here, cityhantam, sporeguy, niubee, chaos, fleetdestroyer, RiseofAsia, lvlrsSTI, webinarian, migrant, Huliwang, Notdumb & ton more.
all these dogs & their family all died, I still post happily here. LOL LOL.

Your family not run over by tanks ah?
How many lumpars China took from u? Thinking

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - sporeguy - 25-04-2022

Hmmmmm strange isn't it!?

This cock @kokee kept abusing forumers here calling anyone who disagreed "commie dog" and other curses yet he accuse other forumers of personal abuse!

By the way Notdumb the cock @kokee not only run over by the tanks his cock was flattened too - that's why he so angry and bitter! Maybe his two balls escaped being crushed since too tiny to be rolled over!

RE: 《New Slave 新奴隶》 - kokee - 25-04-2022

(16-04-2022, 03:14 PM)kokee Wrote:  china almost 5000 yrs of emperor & slavery society till today, under ccp dictatorship today, still a lalwless society, this kind of empror mindset is still mold inside all china people brain, the kind of education & history they learned, most importantly, the ccp leader still want to enjoy the ruler mentality & all the people is their slaves, all the people has to listen to the emperor, follow instruction to achieve their personal goal.
now is internet world today, that is why ccp build a very high firewall to prevent their people be influence by outside free world, all the social media are banned inside china, FB, google, twitter.
the children inside china brainwash since they are very small, their life belong to the party & country, they must work very hard to sacrify their life to party & country, work to death, that is honour & glorious. Come to this world to enjoy the best of this world, from food, partner, love, work life balanced, be happy with your love one, try to be happy everyday with people you love till the day you die, not to sacrify your life, fight in a war for dictator for his personal shit. too bad, ton of china slavery died with huge debt & their children has to pay for them the debt.
live with freedom, human right with humanity.


Mask-Off moment for China

all these moronic comie dogs here bark lies & lick ccp balls 7/24 here like crazy dogs yet dont bring all their family members go back to china to enjoy their slavery life & let their children brainwash by ccp propaganda, live under the gun of ccp. die die they want to stay back in spore to enjoy the democratic life with freedom & right, these dogs are not liars are what? total liars.
same to all their asset & vaccine jab, they bark all morons here to buy RMB & china asset yet they themselves, almost all buy USD or S$, jab mRNA & ask brainless here to jab sinovac & eat lianhua, all these evil inhuman comie dogs here, their master is total evil devil.

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Notdumb - 25-04-2022

Wow cokkee is 5,000 yrs old. No wonder his cok useless now hv to resort to sucking angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

RE: China《New Slave 新奴隶》 - Fleetdestroyer - 25-04-2022

(25-04-2022, 06:05 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Wow cokkee is 5,000 yrs old. No wonder his cok useless now hv to resort to sucking angmo coks.🤣🤣🤣

Moronic kokee been sucking for 5000 years hor don’t play play hor Rotfl Rotfl