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DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - Printable Version

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DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

On the surface Tsai Ing Wen and Taiwan media bashed China for bullying Taiwan for suspending pineapple import due to pest issues. Many countries including Japan and European countries stood forward to support Taiwan by buying pineapples to support Taiwan against China’s bully, they even called it ‘Democratic Pineapple’, however the truth is laughable.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

I just heard from Taiwan talk show about what really happened to the pineapple export.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - debono - 08-11-2021

(08-11-2021, 06:13 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  I just heard from Taiwan talk show about what really happened to Pineapple export.

Yeah, what really happened to the Pineapple export, pls. share..... Thinking

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

On one hand China imports 70-80 types of fruits from Taiwan, pineapple is just one of them, China is actually world’s 6th largest pineapple producer & exporter but Taiwan is not even in the top 20. The reason China buys pineapple and other fruits is to give business and help Taiwan to grow its economy, it is a good gesture hoping Taiwan will eventually accept One Country Two System to unify with mainland. A wishful thinking! For all the fruits imported from Taiwan, China is paying 5 times of the original price, so the profit margin is huge, on top of that, China removes all the import taxes for Taiwan, furthermore got rebates for Taiwan companies.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

On the other hand DPP bought all the fruits including pineapples at dirty cheap prices from Taiwanese farmers in the south, them export them to mainland at 5 times of original prices, they pocketed all the profits yet DPP bashes China day and night.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

After China suspended pineapple import, DPP can no longer benefit from pineapple export, so they jumped up and down accusing China of bullying a democratic country like Taiwan, many western countries knew nothing about what is really happening, they blindly support Taiwan on this.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

Now you know what happens? DPP is very smart, instead of approaching Taiwan farmers they go to Vietnam and buy pineapples in very cheap price and export to China, so they continue making big profits from pineapple export to China and enjoy the incentives, which they won’t get if they export to other countries like Japan and Spore. Is this laughable? Wink

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

So in the end Taiwan farmers lose big but DPP asks them to blame China for big bully yet continues making profit from exporting Vietnamese pineapples to China. Laughing

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

(08-11-2021, 06:16 PM)debono Wrote:  Yeah, what really happened to the Pineapple export, pls. share..... Thinking

[Image: taiwan-pineapple-sold-out-despite-china-ban.jpg]

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

[Image: 173504139_202762464683299_52117057397574...0x200.jpeg]

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - cf9 - 08-11-2021

what surprise. fuku product i also will not be surprise. taiwan can even import for taiwan people eat.

export to unwanted things to mainland is rest assured. Actually China news got say too.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

(08-11-2021, 07:02 PM)cf9 Wrote:  what surprise. fuku product i also will not be surprise. taiwan can even import for taiwan people eat.

export to unwanted things to mainland is rest assured.  Actually China news got say too.

China should remove all the incentives and cut their profit margins for Taiwan fruit imports.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS11Nth97rCfY5xOM6hYf0...Q&usqp=CAU]

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - lvlrsSTI - 08-11-2021

[Image: BEB4-B6-CC-2-CE5-4165-95-DF-A2-D4-FB941-B90.jpg]

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - pervertosan - 09-11-2021

Thinking can explain why a sweet girl from Australia like you have so much anger towards Taiwan?

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - kangtangman - 09-11-2021

(08-11-2021, 06:18 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  On one hand China imports 70-80 types of fruits from Taiwan, pineapple is just one of them, China is actually world’s 6th largest pineapple producer & exporter but Taiwan is not even in the top 20. The reason China buys pineapple and other fruits is to give business and help Taiwan to grow its economy, it is a good gesture hoping Taiwan will eventually accept One Country Two System to unify with mainland. A wishful thinking! For all the fruits imported from Taiwan, China is paying 5 times of the original price, so the profit margin is huge, on top of that, China removes all the import taxes for Taiwan, furthermore got rebates for Taiwan companies.

In one of my previous posting on why China had banned Taiwan pineapple, I have mentioned what you have stated here that DPP administration has made huge profit out of both end (China and the farmer who grows the pineapples as well as other fruits).

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan Pineapple Export to China - kangtangman - 09-11-2021

(08-11-2021, 06:27 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Now you know what happens? DPP is very smart, instead of approaching Taiwan farmers they go to Vietnam and buy pineapples in very cheap price and export to China, so they continue making big profits from pineapple export to China and enjoy the incentives, which they won’t get if they export to other countries like Japan and Spore. Is this laughable? Wink

Well the DPP has actually export the Taiwanese pineapples into Vietnam through the Taiwanese companies and rebrand it as Vietnamese pineapples and sold them to China too.

These was recently reported back in September…the Taiwanese farmers were exploited by the DPP members that they supported for many years. 

But all these news were not reported in Taiwan. Because the farmer only know that their fruits were export to Vietnam to export into China. As such the price that the middle man get were much lower than before. Because these middleman claimed they are not making enough by having to reroute through Vietnam.

And these middleman are mostly DPP party members.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - RiseofAsia - 09-11-2021

This is why I always said, dont blindly listen to what was reported in the media....Even thing you see yourself may not be 100% true.
Here got some forumers are very biased... Blindly believe 100% what was reported in the news. Machiam like they were at the scene.

RE: DPP’s Dark Secret Behind Taiwan’s Pineapple Export to China - ArielCasper - 09-11-2021

Don't believe 100% what you hear from those Taiwan programmes..

Just exercise your judgement..

You buy a pineapple from the neighborhood fruit stall.. You found worms in the fruit and brought it back to fruit stall for refund.. Stall owner did not denied there are worms, but instead claimed that you have 'discriminated' against the stall due to whatever reason, and want to report police about the 'discrimination'.