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Western Media : Hamas Tunnel Human Shield's narrative -debunked - Printable Version

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Western Media : Hamas Tunnel Human Shield's narrative -debunked - sgbuffett - 01-11-2023

I watched and hearcthis western narrative many times ....Hamas is terrorist organisation, they build underground tunnels in hospitals, as human shields ...they are very evil.  

Then using above narrative ...they conclude it is okay to bomb them and in the process civilians are killed to clear the tunnels
Schools, hospitals and mosque destroyed.

The fact that they are terrorists one can accept as they carried out cruel acts that deliberately harm and kill civilians. 

However, the strategy of using tunnels and hiding among civilians population is a tactic that Vietnamese.fighters also use when fighting Americans. Vietnamese used extensive tunnels and.are supported by civilians villagers often living among them. 

These.are guerilla tactics which a weaker force use against far stronger military.  It is not an evil tactic but a defensive tactic to make it harder invader to kill them.

The morally correct thing to do in Vietnam was to end the war instead of dropping bigger and bigger bombs go eliminate the Vietnamese.

The morally correct thing to do is honor the agreed settlement deals so that the 5 million Palestianians can move on with their lives.

I am saddened by the escalation of violence and hatred ...I feel that humanity has lost its way.

I am dismayed that the killing of civilians can just be carried out using narrative. There is no moral justification for killing civilians when you don't even obey international laws and settlements....make no mistake they have a choice to make and they decided to go and kill ...