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how come dont arrest OYK - Printable Version

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how come dont arrest OYK - singaporean1964 - 04-01-2024


...from goh meng seng

TR Emeritus - formerly Temasek Review Emeritus
Who is lying? Fool Me Not!
When all the governments around the world first pushed out its mRNA Vaccine, they and their "Experts" claimed that its product has 95% efficacy against Covid (CV) Infec and with 70% vaccination (V) rate we could achieve "Herd Immunity".
But it turned out that within first few months of V in 2021, there were just TOO MANY BREAKTHROUGH INFEC that such claim could not be upheld.
All of them changed their narrative to "prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death" from CV Infec. What proof? I don't know.
When EU conducted an inquiry on the initial claim of 95% efficacy, Pfizer's representative gave the infamous disclaimer reply that "we didn't do any efficacy test on infec prevention at all!"
So who are the ones LYING?
NOBODY owns up and no accountability for such FALSEHOOD and Disinformation! NO POFMA issued against those Experts or Ministers who have made that claim?!
So a lie was spotted but nobody owns up responsibility for spreading such lie.
The Experts and Gov officials all around the world kept repeating the vaccine is Safe and Effective. Only when heart problems become too difficult to ignore or brush away, they started to admit these V could result in myocarditis. But still claim it is "rare". Only a few Adverse side effects were admitted publicly by these Experts and Gov.
But now we know Pfizer has listed 1291 Adverse side effects, One Thousand Two Hundred & Ninety One Adverse side effects, some of them potentially FATAL, All Nine Pages of them, in its documents sent to US FDA!
In the NORMAL REAL WORLD, nobody in his right mind would consider anything SAFE if it has 10 Adverse Side Effects which can be deadly! But we have 1291 listed by P but yet all these Experts and Gov officials are chanting the V is Safe?
Who are ones lying?
Again, there is no accountability and no one owns up.
So after all these lies exposed, are we supposed to believe or trust anything about these V propagated by the Experts and Gov officials again?
Fool Me Once Shame On You
Fool Me Twice Shame on Me
Fool Me Thrice I am the Biggest Stupid Idiot Fool and You are the Biggest Evil Devil!
However, You Fool Me Not. I may not be the "Expert" in white coat, but I am the Champion and you are the fools.
Goh Meng Seng
Rating: +8 (from 8 votes)

RE: how come dont arrest OYK - singaporean1964 - 04-01-2024

RE: how come dont arrest OYK - singlon - 04-01-2024

People are poisoned dat all